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Here is a step by step from DOC

Object_data is used for adding vehicles, tents, traps etc into the game world and saving their location. However, it doesn't matter what the class name of the object being added is - they are all the same whether they are Bicycles or Military Hangars.

STEP ONE: Location of your object

You first need to get a location of where you want to put your object, roughly. Do this by standing in the spot you want and opening your character_data table in Navicat or similar and grabbing the worldposition of your character. If your table was already open, you can just refresh the table to get your latest coordinates.

It will look something like this: [ppp,[xxxx,yyyy,zzz]]

The numbers are represented as follows:

p = compass direction you are facing

x = position on X axis from WESTERN side of map

y = position on Y axis from SOUTHERN side of map

z = height

The positions are in meters, so you can use that to fine-tune your building location later on.

STEP TWO: Add a new column to object_data

This is an optional, but highly recommended step. It basically adds a bypass filter so your objects are not counted as vehicles by fGetVehCount.

Add the column "Landmark" to `object_data` as a TINYINT(1) data type. DEFAULT 0

Now edit fGetVehCount and replace it with this:

STEP THREE: Finding the classname of your desired object

Simple, just find it here (click me!)

Some objects and vehicles are banned, obviously. DayZ buildings spawn zeds, so becareful if using one when building a base.

STEP FOUR: Adding object into object_data

Now you need to add a new entry to object_data for your building.

For each data column:

ObjectID = carry on from your last highest ObjectID if it did not autoincrement itself

ObjectUID = A unique numerical ID for your building. I just give mine a prefix, eg 123 and then start counting after. ie 123001,123002 etc.

Instance = Same as your server instance, this is probably 1.

Classname = Class name of building you found in step three

Damage = 0

CharacterID = 0

Worldspace = The position you gathered earlier

Inventory = []

Hitpoints = []

Fuel = 0

Datestamp = the current datestamp (in navicat, double click on box and press green arrow)

It is VERY important that the irrelevant boxes (ie fuel etc) have the values specified, otherwise it will cause your server to crash.

If you added an object which has carrying capacity, IE an ammo box, you can set it's inventory the same way as you do a vehicle etc. For example:


FYI: [[[guns-and-tools],[quantity]],[[items-and-ammo],[quantity]],[[backpacks],[quantity]]]

STEP FIVE: Saving and restarting the server

Now you have added your data to the table, save the table and restart your server. Remember to move your character out of the way first so you are not crushed! (I learnt the hard way...). Restart your server (using #restart is sufficient)

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