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Introduction to DayZ (article)

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Hey guys. Though I'd drop a link to an article I wrote for my college gaming site. I wrote it primarily for non-DayZ'ers, but I think you might enjoy.

Link : http://www.aggiegaming.com/introduction-to-dayz/



DayZ has completely changed the way I look at post-apocolyptic games. It is, hands down, the most engaging, most captivating multiplayer game I’ve ever played. Period. Oh, and one more thing- it’s not even a game by itself. It’s an alpha release of a mod for ARMA II.

Yea – I didn’t know what ARMA II was either.

Let’s start with the basics. I’m told that ARMA II is a hardcore military simulator. I wouldn’t know. Despite spending $30 for the game (and required expansion) about a month ago, I have not spent an instant in the single player. In fact, STEAM tells me I’ve spent about 58 hours in game. Every second of that has been used to find loot, dodge zeds, or hide from bandits in the DayZ world. Back to my point, ARMA II is successful as a military sim by putting a gun in your hand, allowing you a small bit of player model customization, loads of weapon choices, and a hodgepodge of utility items. These utility items might be a shovel to dig a trench, barbed wire/sandbags you can drop anywhere, compass, map, GPS device, or even night vision goggles. DayZ takes all these little elements and uses them selectively to create one of the most engrossing Doomsday games you’ve ever encountered.

-continued at link above (with images)


Also, we have a small group of n00bs that love to team up. Come join us if you're interested!


Thanks guys

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Final bump:

We have about 6 players now and a TeamSpeak setup for players. We generally play every night from 9-12 CST. Love to have friendly players join up!

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I will need to group up with you guys. That is generally the time I play and I am real new to the whole scene!

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Hmm, I might have to take you up on that offer. Although, I do like just going around by myself, setting my objectives, etc. Maybe, I'll think about it. XD

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I'm sort of the same way. I'd prefer to run solo most of the time, but the way things are getting now, it's best to group up.

We currently have a plan to always have 1 guy on overwatch (with sniper), another with short-to-medium range weapons (AR's, AK's, submachine's), and finally another as the "bait". SirDe has offerred to be bait, where he runs full speed through a town with limited gear and pulls all the zeds with him. He runs a big circle, losing the zeds in the surrounding forrest. We then scour the town which is now zed-free!

We'll give this a trial run tonight. :)

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Up to around 6 players together. Made it to Airfield and a few crashed helis. Found big "AntiMaterial" sniper, FNFAL, 2 M4A1's and 3 AK's. Been a fun run.

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"ghillie", not "guille" and "lose", not "loose". Other than that, not bad. Kudos for using (some) of your own screenshots. At least I think you did :).

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Yea I try to be original, but sometimes other images just tell the story better than any of mine. And since the point was bringing fresh survivors to the table, I opted for clarity and information over total photo originality.

Anyway, thanks for the (semi) complement.

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