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Is this a bug?

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So Im pretty new to the game and had my first death today by a zombie horde. When I re spawned I ran back to my old body looted it from the town and hit the tree line. Once I got there I went prone and logged off. Spent some time with my kids and came back as soon as the game started I get this screen. No I mean the instant the screen showed this was on it. The little popup with my location came up and everything. I cannot chat and the hourglass is going down super slow and about 5 min in it says I got disconnected. I was not in any combat or damaged at all. I was pretty far inland and had not seen a player for hours.

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Short answer no.

Long answer maybe. It is a feature that if you disconnect while in danger you are supposed to spawn unconscious (that is what the timer is, you will stand up and be fine if no one kills you while it is counting down). I have seen this happen at times when it probably shouldn't so it may be a bit buggy, but it is nothing to worry about. I once passed out on the train tracks after the bandit bug hit me, and some kindly soul came and dragged me off the tracks into the grass. I thought it was hilarious and also very cool.

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Yes, it's a bug. To fix it, wait for the hour glass to finish. If you immediately go unconscious afterwards but don't see the hour glass, leave the server, rejoin, and try again.

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