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Best way to update filters?

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Hello, I have been an admin for about 2 months and most of the time the server owners update the filters, But now its my turn to do it, What is the best way and where in the server files would I put them so that they work effectively?

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They go inside the BattlEye folder that is inside the servers mission folder :)

Example i run a Taviana server using Bliss and it's instance 1 so my folder is called dayz_1.tavi


Search the server for file names, scripts.txt or setdamage.txt etc

Edited by PK Richie

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Hey there,

1. Download the latest and greatest filters you wish to use

2. Using the FTP of your server, find your /BattlEye/ directory (which should already contain all the filters).

3. Upload your new filters to this directory

4. Use your fav. RCON tool to run commands: loadscripts & loadevents

5. Drink a pint and enjoy the updated filters

++If you don't have FTP access, you may have an admin panel access where you can 'edit' files. Use this to paste in your new filters.

++If you don't have RCON access, you can always restart the server.


Edited by TG ! Jimmy

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