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Finally done with solo running

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So I play strictly vanilla, dabbled a bit in orgins, but everytime I come back to the original.

I have been a lone wolf for a long time now and know the map almost inside and out.

My style of play has always been to help whenever possible, but also not afraid to kill some bandits or take risks.

Usually I stay alive for quite a few days, then get put in compromising position where if I had a couple more gents, maybe things could have been different.

I am looking for a partner, or perhaps a few people who want to join up in some safety of numbers.

22 years young from Chicago Illinois, part time teacher, also do stand up comedy. So I am looking for those who think they will get along well. I usually am on every day from 8pm to the early mornings depending on my job.

Feel free to add me on skype Tony.Poncho

or message me here and we can meet up in game.


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TonyPoncho I may have to take you up on that. I think we have a mutual requirement for surviving situations when numbers would greatly improve our chances of being able to continue some reckless zombie addled shenanigans upon the lovely Chernarus locale. I shall add you this very night sir. My Skype is "SquireToStars", I usually play weekdays between 6pm-whenitstopsbeingfun. Look foward to playing with you buddy, It'll be cool to have a hand with making bandits and Zeds not be alive anymore. :D

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Hey, I have recently gotten back into playing DayZ and im looking for some poeple to group up with and you sound like somebody who would be fun to run around with ill add you on skype my name is lastnamefirst4

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Hey Tony, I am actually from Indianapolis and almost 22 here. Lone wolf myself and am dying to find someone I can regularly rely on and play with when I get on the game. I enjoy the BMRF servers since they have that vanilla feel, but I am about to try out Origins / Breaking Point too. PM and we can see what we both wanna do.

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I'll play with people. I'm a vanilla player too.

Sounds good just add me on skype tony.poncho, or steam tonyponcho

Hey Tony, I am actually from Indianapolis and almost 22 here. Lone wolf myself and am dying to find someone I can regularly rely on and play with when I get on the game. I enjoy the BMRF servers since they have that vanilla feel, but I am about to try out Origins / Breaking Point too. PM and we can see what we both wanna do.

Lovin' the username, had some chops myself and was known as "chopzilla" for a while :rolleyes:

I would be down to try breaking point also, it looks pretty awesome.

I'm jumping online now for who ever wants to play for a bit.

FYI, I am a perma-bandit for a while, humanity is at about 9,000 from people trying to get me loot. So while I don't condone the bandit lifestyle, and especially those who KOS, I am branded a bandit so if push goes to shove, i'll take the shots to avoid us lookin like a gang of gypsies!

Hopefully I can lose this outfit and get my nice hero flannels back


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18, in LA, I'm ready to dedicate time to playing, not too quick to anger or anything, and can usually play at the same times as you can. My skype is mstrchief95 (don't judge, I made it when I was eleven) if you're interested.

Edited by IonicPaul

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Hey guys, 21 here, dayz is getting a little stale without people to run with. Message me on skype or steam.

Steam: GreenSaint33

Skype: BlameStorm33

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