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callsignBravo (DayZ)

All Good Heros is recruiting!

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Hello survivors!

I'm looking to start a multi-island playing team of heroic players.

yep you read right a team of anti-bandits. Ready to jump into action on all islands!

before you say "Wow i HAVE to join this group" here are the requirements:

must be at least 14

must be mature

prior experience required (we won't foster bambies)

a good PC that gets good fps.


This is a US east coast clan, if you are in Europe you need a flexible schedule

unless you want to head up a "B squad" that is i a different time zone. like an A squad

where the players are from the US and a B squad where everyone is from England

or Europe. This is just because of timezone differences.

shoot me an E-mail at ncgnhead@yahoo.com to join

this friday afternoon, saturday, and sunday are all days to recruit this weekend

if you are wondering chenarus is our main map but we play a lot of others.

the motto: you either die a hero or live long enough to become a bandit.

People that are good at killing cherno and electro hill snipers wanted

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