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Valrak (DayZ)

Server Locking

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Firstly let me apologize if this thread has been made before, I searched the forum but couldn't find the answer I was looking for.

I know that servers can't be locked at the moment due to the testing phase of the game, but when the mods comes out of Alpha/Beta will servers be able to be locked?

Just wanted to enquiry into this due myself and people I play with wanting to start a dedicated RP community/server.



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Server locking should never exist in DayZ. The entire soul of the game rests in the uncertainty that comes with sharing your space with people whose intentions you are not privy to. Hand selecting each and every person you play with completely destroys the game.

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Well that response is another subject completely but thanks for your opinion on the matter.

How is it another subject entirely? You want to lock servers so you can hand pick the people you play with (which in turn means you decide how they treat you, how they act, etc.). "RP community" is a clever way of saying "I make the rules" because I assume you're not going to be very happy if I want to "RP" someone that you know absolutely nothing about, who never speaks, and whose singular goal in life is to split your head like an over ripe casaba melon with the biggest bullet he can find.

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how is it not possible now?

i've seen many locked servers

but yeah, agree that the locking is against the core purpose of the game.

one could just have a private server, get uber loot, and go hunting in "regular" servers, and that would just suck

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People lock servers all the time. I mean, they don't seem to for very long but there are times when it seems just clan members are on those servers.

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Not really. I merely would like to lock the server so defers ‘troll’ player, I wouldn't have any kind of application system or 'choose' who to play with. It's merely a small way to stop those who want to cause nothing but harm/abuse at other player’s expenses.

It would work like this:

Go to the website which will be placed in the server name, the website has the all the information on the site, password, server rules, also a bit of lore for each faction (3 factions). Player reads which faction suites him, gets the password off the website and joins with that faction wanting to assist them. Now from my experience running ARMA realism servers & also life servers having this kind of method puts those who want to 'troll' off due to the small process of getting the password.

Of course you're entitled to your view which I completely understand but please don’t try and force it upon me.

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People lock servers all the time. I mean' date=' they don't seem to for very long but there are times when it seems just clan members are on those servers.


You should report them when you see them. If you're bored. It is against the rules and DayZ will revoke their access to the hive.

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Locking a server is just plain stupid because it removes the element of surprise when you'll only have three factions pit against each other. Some people maybe want to play solo, some maybe want to form their own team. How can someone "troll at others' expense"?

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Server locking should never exist in DayZ. The entire soul of the game rests in the uncertainty that comes with sharing your space with people whose intentions you are not privy to. Hand selecting each and every person you play with completely destroys the game.


Server locking should never exist in DayZ. The entire soul of the game rests in the uncertainty that comes with sharing your space with people whose intentions you are not privy to. Hand selecting each and every person you play with completely destroys the game.


Server locking should never exist in DayZ. The entire soul of the game rests in the uncertainty that comes with sharing your space with people whose intentions you are not privy to. Hand selecting each and every person you play with completely destroys the game.


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Server locking should never exist in DayZ. The entire soul of the game rests in the uncertainty that comes with sharing your space with people whose intentions you are not privy to. Hand selecting each and every person you play with completely destroys the game.


Server locking should never exist in DayZ. The entire soul of the game rests in the uncertainty that comes with sharing your space with people whose intentions you are not privy to. Hand selecting each and every person you play with completely destroys the game.


Server locking should never exist in DayZ. The entire soul of the game rests in the uncertainty that comes with sharing your space with people whose intentions you are not privy to. Hand selecting each and every person you play with completely destroys the game.


all this. and + repeat infinity.

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Rent a server with 5 slots.

Tell your friends when to log on.

Power up server.

Friends join.

Server full.

easy peasy.

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In seeing a few servers that are locked and/showing password needed?

I though you can't lock servers?

These ate nit the film server. These have regular 40/50 player level servers?

Do you guys want a screen shot showing which servers are lock - as seen in Six launcher?

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I have nothing wrong with locked servers. If you shell out your money to buy/rent a server, why shouldn't you be able to lock it? Whether or not the uncertainty of random players is part of the game, it's YOUR server, and you are only affecting your experience.

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I have nothing wrong with locked servers. If you shell out your money to buy/rent a server' date=' why shouldn't you be able to lock it? Whether or not the uncertainty of random players is part of the game, it's YOUR server, and you are only affecting your experience.


No.. if you're caught locking ur server your link to the HIVE mind is cut, rocket makes the rules you've just gotta obey like biiiiiiitches

End of discussion

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I have nothing wrong with locked servers. If you shell out your money to buy/rent a server' date=' why shouldn't you be able to lock it? Whether or not the uncertainty of random players is part of the game, it's YOUR server, and you are only affecting your experience.


because the fact they could lock the servers from random people joining and get great loot then join another public server with tons of loot they found in the private server. Locked servers should not be permitted.

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In seeing a few servers that are locked and/showing password needed?

I though you can't lock servers?

These ate nit the film server. These have regular 40/50 player level servers?

Do you guys want a screen shot showing which servers are lock - as seen in Six launcher?

Screenshot it n make a thread on server forums with server name. :D

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I have nothing wrong with locked servers. If you shell out your money to buy/rent a server' date=' why shouldn't you be able to lock it? Whether or not the uncertainty of random players is part of the game, it's YOUR server, and you are only affecting your experience.


because the fact they could lock the servers from random people joining and get great loot then join another public server with tons of loot they found in the private server. Locked servers should not be permitted.

If I have a group of 10 that wants to play together and farm loot spots, it doesn't matter whether we do it on our own locked server or on an open one. Nobody can stop us purely because of our numbers. Besides that, it seems like banning locked servers punishes everybody for the actions of a few.

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I have nothing wrong with locked servers. If you shell out your money to buy/rent a server' date=' why shouldn't you be able to lock it? Whether or not the uncertainty of random players is part of the game, it's YOUR server, and you are only affecting your experience.


because the fact they could lock the servers from random people joining and get great loot then join another public server with tons of loot they found in the private server. Locked servers should not be permitted.

If I have a group of 10 that wants to play together and farm loot spots, it doesn't matter whether we do it on our own locked server or on an open one. Nobody can stop us purely because of our numbers. Besides that, it seems like banning locked servers punishes everybody for the actions of a few.

if you have a group of 10 and you want to loot stuff in a private server, it gives you ease at mind that there are no other players that can shoot you, making zombies your only worries. Now if your group of 10 was on a public server, there is a chance maybe you'll run into another group of lets say 5 or even 10 like your group, you will never know, making you more cautious.

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Who do I send the pics to. They are screen shots so they are time stamped.

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Either way it's a cakewalk to take what you want. One variation just has you more cautious, which isn't really enough to remove server owners ability to lock a server.

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Either way it's a cakewalk to take what you want. One variation just has you more cautious' date=' which isn't really enough to remove server owners ability to lock a server.


more cautious to possible ambush and your whole squad dying yes. Rocket wants it that way so everyone has a fair game

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I understand how can be a bit unbalanced sometimes, and I can certainly see how a persistent world can be affected with a secure server, but I don't think it warrants taking the choice from server owners. Hell, I've seen a server get blacklisted for enabling side chat again.

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Rocket has made it clear, with previous blacklistings, that servers cant be locked. If you are going to purchase a server you should probably do some research.

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Rocket has made it clear' date=' with previous blacklistings, that servers cant be locked. If you are going to purchase a server you should probably do some research.


Who do I send the images of the locked servers??

Do I email it to you?

If not who?


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