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Evolover (DayZ)

Custom Loot - Custom Backpacks - Custom Tents - Custom Vehicles - Chernarus - ONE OF A KIND!

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Hey just got back into the DayZ scene and started a server back up. Trying to keep the baddies out. Server password after any type of paypal donation, a dollar whatever..

Facebook (more info there): http://www.facebook....compelcommunity

AMAZING Custom Loot (changes monthly/weekly): http://www.texasdayz...lootdiagram.jpg

Custom Tent Skin/Slot Amounts

Custom BackPacks (see loot diagram above)

75 Vehicle Spawns: Little Bird, Camo UH1H's, Wildcat Chopper, Humvee, SUV w/ gun, LandRovers, Camo Urals/UAZ/etc. and more..

Edited by Evolover
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Kind of sad to see that the server now requires a donation to even get on. Even though i only got on once, for a few hours before the server got DDOS'ed into oblivion, it was really fun.

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Hey Evo, very sad to see that your awesome mod now requires a donation, still think that your interview idea would have worked.

The Old Resident Assassin

Edited by Lockmar

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it is sad, but i don't have a lot of funds, and server hosting isn't free, and a dollar a month for someone updating and managing a server isn't that much. since i had problems with assholes it also helps keep the baddies in check, but i understand not everyone has a dollar a month for a game. it's tuff times we're living in for real, that's why i eat off the dollar menu these days! ;)

Edited by Evolover

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Hey Evo, very sad to see that your awesome mod now requires a donation, still think that your interview idea would have worked.

The Old Resident Assassin

the interview would have worked for sure, i just don't have time for them :/ or even much time to play. enough time to manage and update with patches.

on the other hand that gives me an idea.. if anyone wants to help moderate the server, no donation required.

Edited by Evolover

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the interview would have worked for sure, i just don't have time for them :/ or even much time to play. enough time to manage and update with patches.

on the other hand that gives me an idea.. if anyone wants to help moderate the server, no donation required.

I can help moderate but really only during the weekends and sometimes evenings, but hey any help is better than no help.

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Everything in life costs something, time, money whatever. Count me in. How do I donate?

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May I ask how did you add those vehicles?

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Everything in life costs something, time, money whatever. Count me in. How do I donate?

the facebook has all the info. www.facebook.com/compelcommunity

website coming soon www.texasdayz.com

donate to [email protected] through paypal. let me know on teh facebook or send me an email when you have. include your email in paypal notes so i can send the month's password back to you. thanks!

we actually just added 22 new clothing drops to the server as well as more weapon drops. everything is pretty balanced although we are always working on fixes and updates every day. se you there!

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