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IJoeGamer (DayZ)

Looking For People To Join Our Squad (UK)

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We are looking for people to join our squad, the squad has 2 people in it at the moment (myself and my friend).Also we are looking for people who are only from the UK and are online often. We play DayZ and other games such as Battlefield 3 for fun and have a laugh while doing it :P. We are looking for people who are pretty mature and are 14-20. We aim to play tactically and have fun while doing it :).

Skype: IJoeGamer


Edited by IJoeGamer

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Hey IJoe i am 15 years old and i live in the netherlands.

I am planning to buy arma 2, arrowhead and download dayz next week.

I've got 3 weeks vacation( lot of time to recuit me) and i play also bf3.

I speak and understand pretty good English.

I discovered this game because i watched the vids of frankieonpc

I hope you reply, ps: nice profile pic i love the walking dead

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Hi IJoeGamer, my names Danny, I'm from the UK and I'm looking for a group of people to join up with on DayZ. I've played the game for over 12 months now and have a good level of skill and understanding of the game. If you fancy letting me join up with you and your friend PM me or add me on skype with the ID... xlynskeyx

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Hi IJoeGamer, my names Max, from the UK and I've been looking for a group to join up with on Day Z, cause its getting pretty boring by my self. Been playing DayZ for a month or so, so obviosuly I'm fairly familiar with the basic concepts of the game haven't really been in tactical fights in the north cause I'm slumming it by myself but I've been in some pretty tense gun battle by my self, I'm hoping with a squad I can get into more tactical combat with higher grade weapons etc. I also play bf3 a hell of a lot and I would say I'm fairly decent at the game. If you want to join up, pm or skype me on flaminiguana.


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