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BBF Smiles

My opinion of DayZ..

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Usually done in-house by developers and QAs.

Alpha quality software has undergone only the most superficial of testing. It may contain known bugs, and almost certainly contains unknown bugs. Features intended for the final release may be incomplete or missing.


Usually released to a handful of people ("public"). But a lot more common these days as a word for "demo" or "pre-order" hype.

Beta quality software has all features intended for final release. Generally have fixed all known bugs, but sometimes bugs considered minor is in the beta software. Beta software has been tested, but not extensively. It probably contains many bugs that's yet not discovered.

Last but not least



Release quality software has been tested extensively on multiple computers with different software versions.

P.S It will contain no known bugs, unless the bug is difficult to remove.

Now i would like to say, yes, i agree with the friend and some kind of spawn system, but still, i like how it is now and as i just said ^

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BBF' date=' clearly you haven't played previous builds.

The state of the current mod is from demands made by the community that have been in line with the vision of the developer.

Two of the things you've asked for were in previous builds and have been thrown out because they weren't functioning properly.

We aren't going back 10 builds just because new players find the current build too challenging. You would do best to adapt and continue to learn, your suggestions have already been used and eliminated.

Save yourself some time and stop fighting with the 90% on this forum who only troll.

Edit: As for your third suggestion. It will never happen. I've tried to explain to people you aren't respawning, you are starting fresh. You have a new character, it's not a respawn in the same sense as a traditional FPS, your old guy is dead, you have a new guy when you start over. Why should you be able to teleport as a fresh character to your friends? Yes it would make things easier, but you are starting out as a lone survivor again and half the fun is meeting up with friends or other people.


Thanks PUGS.. This is the kind of response I wanted, this is more helpful than the other crap I was getting. You make a good point about the spawning and I actually agree with it. I really like that, now that you put it that way.

It'll die if it doesn't keep evolving.

Have you seen how many updates this game gets? What makes you think its not evolving?

I never said it wasn't evolving... lol

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Hey OP...

the game is supposed to have crazy amounts of running and be painfully difficult at the start. (No sarcasm)

That's why we love it.

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Hey OP...

the game is supposed to have crazy amounts of running and be painfully difficult at the start. (No sarcasm)

That's why we love it.

So your saying getting chased by zombies with little change of escaping is fun? xD

I don't know whats fun for you lol

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It is super buggy, it seems every update (or hotfix) introduces even more bugs than it fixes.

I still love playing it, but I must say it is super frustrating to play for literally days and get a lot of great equipment the hard way, then get killed by something like opening a door in the barracks and crushing yourself to death.

In real life, no one would ever kill themselves due to opening a door and crushing their own body with it - I don't even think it would be physically possible.

Absolutely no game could ever be released to the public if opening a door crushes you to death. This kind of basic thing should be fixed before any new features are added, in my opinion.

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It is super buggy' date=' it seems every update (or hotfix) introduces even more bugs than it fixes.

I still love playing it, but I must say it is super frustrating to play for literally days and get a lot of great equipment the hard way, then get killed by something like opening a door in the barracks and crushing yourself to death.

In real life, no one would ever kill themselves due to opening a door and crushing their own body with it - I don't even think it would be physically possible.

Absolutely no game could ever be released to the public if opening a door crushes you to death. This kind of basic thing should be fixed before any new features are added, in my opinion.


I concur, I had looted lots of stuff and some really nice rare weapons and I went to lay down on a stair-case(it was pitch black) and I died! ??? Like what is up with that? honestly... A staircase killed me? Luckily my friend was with me and he guarded my body until I ran back..

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It is super buggy' date=' it seems every update (or hotfix) introduces even more bugs than it fixes.

I still love playing it, but I must say it is super frustrating to play for literally days and get a lot of great equipment the hard way, then get killed by something like opening a door in the barracks and crushing yourself to death.

In real life, no one would ever kill themselves due to opening a door and crushing their own body with it - I don't even think it would be physically possible.

Absolutely no game could ever be released to the public if opening a door crushes you to death. This kind of basic thing should be fixed before any new features are added, in my opinion.


Not sure if trolling..

It hasn't been 'released to the public', it is a alpha test. You are testing the game so that when it IS released the bugs won't be in it. There are bound to be new bugs appearing when new features etc are added, this is what happens and this is why alpha testing exists.

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This thread seems to have generated a lot of hostility. The guys expressing his opinion of the game as many others have.

I agree with him. Starting with no way to defend yourslef ruins the game. I dont want them to make the game any easier dont turn off PVP dont add bandit skins back in. Dont weaken the zombies or slow them down. Starting with no weapon sucks.

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This thread seems to have generated a lot of hostility. The guys expressing his opinion of the game as many others have.

I agree with him. Starting with no way to defend yourslef ruins the game. I dont want them to make the game any easier dont turn off PVP dont add bandit skins back in. Dont weaken the zombies or slow them down. Starting with no weapon sucks.

Thank you...

I just thought of something that is realistic and isn't in the game. In the dark in real life, your eyes would adjust to the darkness and you gain some amount of sight within a matter of maybe 10 minutes, in dayz mod its pitch black continously no adjustment and no sight except for outlines. I think it would be sweet to play at night and roam around.. But without a flashlight you can't see shit and with a flashlight you attract attention... So you generally can't navigate.. Don't get me wrong its still fun now, i had tons of fun the other night looting through a town and fighting zombies, but we couldn't see anything lol.

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to help with the zombies. run around a building and crouch walk after you turn a corner. try it a couple of times, and you should be able to shake zombies. or crouch run zig zagging between buildings. also play the game more. don't worry about dying. with how ya'lls servers are setup youll be able to regear quickly. and so will I because I take all that horded gear from you. kill you, and steal your vehicles and helicopters. we want to compete with you guys because you are many and we are few, and it would be fun if yall would actually play and not abuse your admin rights by "emergency shutting down" the server when your trying to unglitch the heli. you needed several windscreen glasses to stop the leak. so please. play fair. thank you. This message is from me and in no way am i representing my clan.

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watch some of rockets interviews on youtube before posting a lot of recent interview touch on what he is planning.

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to help with the zombies. run around a building and crouch walk after you turn a corner. try it a couple of times, and you should be able to shake zombies. or crouch run zig zagging between buildings. also play the game more. don't worry about dying. with how ya'lls servers are setup youll be able to regear quickly. and so will I because I take all that horded gear from you. kill you, and steal your vehicles and helicopters. we want to compete with you guys because you are many and we are few, and it would be fun if yall would actually play and not abuse your admin rights by "emergency shutting down" the server when your trying to unglitch the heli. you needed several windscreen glasses to stop the leak. so please. play fair. thank you. This message is from me and in no way am i representing my clan.

Why bump a thread that was made back in June.. ?

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First of all, I really think there needs to be a change in the speed of zombies and the consistency. I have WASTED so much time running away from zombies... You try to go to a town to get supplies, you have no weapons no food, nothing. It's near impossible to not be scented by a zombie. So you get up and you start running, and in my experience unless you disconnect from the server you will run for freaking days! You will never loose them, because they don't bloody give up, they "sprint" as fast as you, which just sucks completely.

Its quite easy to avoid them, just frustratingly time consuming. If you are crawling and hit NUMBER PAD ENTER you can predict their movements and avoid coming in detection range. This is what I do in towns that appear to have no players in or around it. I clear all buildings without detection.

If there are snipers/other players around its often better to run. Once you know the city, you can easily avoid all zombies. The only time its not always possible is when players cause you problems. The first and most important thing to remember is that Zombies don’t run inside. Once you know the buildings layout you will be able to do this easily. In some maps you need to use the terrain. If there aren’t decent buildings head into the forest. Some places you cannot run, only walk, so run over those as its an obstacle for Zombies and you will be able to shake them doing this. It’s a learning curb and one that takes time.

Secondly, the fact that you spawn with a flashlight is just ridiculous, you have nothing what so ever to protect yourself. I mean, we can not even have a melee weapon?. Like I was saying before in the instance of being chased by zombies, you will never be able to get rid of them because you have nothing to fend them back and they keep up with you.. So you really have no chance without a weapon. I liked it when we spawned with a pistol, I think players should spawn with a pistol and flashlight attachment.

I don’t particularly like the idea of having weapons to start off with. I think some spawn points are a bit hard to deal with without a weapon. But what I am seeing is players running straight into major cities and killing anything they can like it’s a Call of Duty deathmatch game. Its not all about this.

Thirdly, I believe DayZ needs some kind of spawning system and friends system. Having to travel from one side of the map to the other to play with a friend is just annoying and extremely inconvenient. Especially when you do it once and die, then have to run all the way back again to find them. It's so frustrating.

I heavily agree. A party joining system is crucial to the overall success of this game.

My over all opinion on DayZ... I like the concept, actually, I love the concept of the Mod. But it's still very buggy and needs a lot of work. I really believe they are trying to make the game way too difficult to play and I would assume I am not the only one that is getting frustrated with a lot of things in it.

I want to like this game and I really want to play it.. But too my desires... At the moment I am just getting far too frustrated with it and am really starting to dislike this mod... A LOT. All these things that are bugging me are making me not want to play. Maybe I'll have a look at it when they bring out the final version, maybe.

I know it's still in Alpha and I really hope it pulls through and becomes a great game. I hope I can warm up nicely to the final version, but until then I don't think I will be playing at all after my experiences.

TBH I think this is a great concept and mod, but that’s all its ever going to be. Rocket won’t get this game off the ground to the level players seem to be expecting.

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So your saying getting chased by zombies with little change of escaping is fun? xD

I don't know whats fun for you lol

run through 3 trees and a bush

zombies are gone

was hard

Edited by Buffjesus

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