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Public DayZ Teamspeak ( Hosting for Clans or Solo'ers! ) == Uniting Gamers ==

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basically what the title says, our server can hold 100 people, we only use about 10 spots, and would like to share it with other clans ;D.

Solo'ers can join and have fun at any time ;D

Requirements(For Clans):

- Serious clans only

- Must have 5+ active members

- Must be willing to do teamspeak clan vs clan Arma 2 battles on weekends ;D (sometimes ;P)

- Use teamspeak if we give you a 'lobby' within our own server

What you get(For Clans): :

- 1 lobby (looks like this: http://prntscr.com/12w1bi )

- 5 channels within lobby

- Free hosting!

- unlimited slots per channel!

- Personalised team icon

(we are not selling, we are just lending spots in a teamspeak server so others can have a fun DayZ experience ;D)

Teamspeak IP:

Contact my skype!: DonutRiot

be ready for me to ask a few questions before offering you a channel

Edited by DonutRiot

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