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Oliver Riedel

245th Combat Communications Group Recruiting!

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Name: Daniel

Age: 14

Country: USA

What role you want:(Sniper, Support, Pilot, Etc.) Whatever you needs ( Because a team with 5 snipers isn't too well rounded ), but my best role is usually Designated Marksman ( Inbetween sniper and soldier, usually with m14, DMR, or M16. )

Skype: Yes ( Darkpieguy )

Do you have TS?: Yes

Former experience with Dayz/Origins: Dayz, several months. Origins, trying and failing to build a house by dying to KOS or invici-zombies.

Any Former Clan(s)?: 21B

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Name: Zero

Age: 22

Country: Australia

What role you want: Pilot, Farmer, Mechanic, Soldier. I love flying heli's and planes and I love my ak74 kobra or m4a1 cco. I can snipe but not perfectly.

Skype: Sorry don't have one

Do you have TS?: Of course

Former experience with Dayz/Origins: 8-10 months of Dayz and 3-4 months of Origins. I've built 4 houses before, mostly lvl 1, the server I play now always gets database corruption problems, so I can never get a lvl 2 or even lvl 3.

Any Former Clan(s)?: AZTEC - still part of them but they have a very bad server (the average US server ping for me is 260-70, their server is around 290-310. So, I'm always at the edge of being auto-kicked due to their 300 ping restriction). Good clan, but very strict about personnel possessions and building houses (everything needs to be shared among the group and officer houses are always first built) also they don't let anyone but 'officers' fly helicopters. I tried asking them to solve the server ping restriction, but they don't seem to care at all.

Edited by Zero2None

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Name: Jonathan

Age: 19

Country: US, California

What role you want: Support, scavenger, hunter (animals), etc. Resource Gathering.

Skype: jgaaar

Do you have TS?: yes

Former experience with Dayz/Origins: a little

Any Former Clan(s)?: no

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Country:United States

What role you want: Rifle Man (M4A1 Variants)

Skype: Project4E67

Do you have TS?: Yes

Former experience with Dayz/Origins:Played the Orgins mod for around 3 months now.

Any Former Clan(s)?: None of note.

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