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Oliver Riedel

245th Combat Communications Group Recruiting!

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Hello all, We are the 245th Combat Communications Group. We are focused on the DayZ Origins at the moment. We have an initial camp as of now. We hope to make a Hero town soon, some of the people playing have setup a Bandit Town. As of now we only have a few members but would love to get as many as possible. We have a few rules they are listed below.

-No Killing Unarmed Players, I cant stress this enough.

-Bandits will be killed on sight UNLESS they don't have a weapon.

-Must have a mic.

-must have TS3 and/or Skype.

-Play well with others.

You don't have to have any prior knowledge of DayZ Origins but a little would be nice. We are looking for people that also know how to build homes since its our mission to setup a Hero town. We are looking for people with experience flying Helicopters and driving cars. Please fill out this forum below to join. Thanks for your time :)




What role you want:(Sniper, Support, Pilot, Etc.)


Do you have TS?:

Former experience with Dayz/Origins:

Any Former Clan(s)?:

We are good friends with the United Gamers League, We have picked their server for our home server in Origins. Here is the I.P ,Even if you dont want to join the clan we would love to have more people play the server!

Official song for the 245th CCG:

Edited by Dr_anthony
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What role you want:Pilot

Skype:sylvester stallone1234

Do you have TS?:yes

Former experience with Dayz/Origins: yes with dayz but have not played origins but really want to try it out

Any Former Clan(s)?:82nd airborn division

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Name: Oliver Stampe



What role you want:I like being the guy that scavenges and protects the camps.


Do you have TS?: Yes i do.

Former experience with Dayz/Origins: I've played the mod DayZ for 8-9 months, and i've played DayZ ORIGINS for 1 month now. And i know pretty much everything about DayZ and DayZ ORIGINS, since im a huge fan.

Any Former Clan(s)?: Yeah, i've been in a clan called TWC from the Arma II mod ACRE/ACE, and in DayZ ive only played with my friends.

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What role you want: Pilot, medic, farming items for base

Skype: i share that in a PM

Do you have TS?: Not atm i am more use to ventrilo but i can get it

Former experience with Dayz/Origins: i have played for a little month now

Any Former Clan(s)?: not in Dayz but other games

Other: I am a great teamplayer i am sharing what i got. I am not a person that kill on sight person and never will be. I am looking at the person i see and see is this person a danger to me and my team if so i would rather hold him up and take hes weap then use a bullet on him and save those for a war

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Country:Estonia/in europe

What role you want:(Sniper, Support, Pilot, Etc.) i would like to be sniper


Do you have TS?:Yes

Former experience with Dayz/Origins:Have played dayz for a year but origins i not so mutch,but i vould like to play on origins.

Any Former Clan(s)?:nope

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What role you want:Soldier


Do you have TS?:Yes

Former experience with Dayz/Origins:Have played it for a week now and know alot already about it

Any Former Clan(s)?: Aztec

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Name: Chaney

Age: 17

Country: USA

What role you want: Sniper, Pilot, Driver

Skype: price.farenheit

Do you have TS?: Yes.

Former experience with Dayz/Origins: 1 1/2 years DayZ experience, none with origins.

Any Former Clan(s)?: 7th Cavalry Gaming Regiment, Prisoners of War (PoW)

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Perhaps your clan would be interested in joining my newly set up DayZ Origins server?

I would love to play it even tho im not in a clan

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Name: Raydano (Damian)



What role you want:(Sniper, Support, Pilot, Etc.) Close and personal.


Do you have TS?:Yessir!

Former experience with Dayz/Origins: Played a couple servers where i had a ton of gear,-Knows about every single special position (ivans lab) (sector b urals) (helispawns)

Any Former Clan(s)?: Just got into joining clans.

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Name: Moffat

Age: 15

Country: USA

What role you want:(Sniper, Support, Pilot, Etc.) Soldier

Skype: ijustwanabot

Do you have TS?:yes

Former experience with Dayz/Origins: Yes

Any Former Clan(s)? NO

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Name: Tony

Age: 22

Country: United States

What role you want: Medic

Skype: anthony_Rayd (contact me if i get accepted)

Do you have TS?: Yes

Former experience with Dayz/Origins: Experienced with Dayz, not so much with origins.

Any Former Clan(s)?: Some a long time ago. Forgot name.

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Name: Ibbe

Age: 16

Country: Sweden

What role you want:(Sniper, Support, Pilot, Etc.) Any will be fine since I got loads of experiance.

Skype: Haxaren

Do you have TS?: Yes

Former experience with Dayz/Origins: I've been playing dayz/wasteland for 2 years now.

Any Former Clan(s)?: AKB, Blackout, Crickey. Not anything special or well known.

Edited by Zerop

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Name:yura or yuri


Country:israel(but I am russian)

What role you want:Sniper


Do you have TS?:yuradayz

Former experience with Dayz/Origins:played only the original

Any Former Clan(s)?:no

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Age: about to turn 20 this thursday :3

Support or Pilot as long as i feel like im doing something :3



Used to play original DayZ but kinda lost interest after 4-5 months of playing it looking for a new experience.

No former clans for the sole purpose of DayZ but plenty of milsim groups.

Edited by Mrkillu2

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Name: Kameron (I go by Scooter though)

Age: 14 (15 in a few weeks)

Country: United States

What role you want:(Sniper, Support, Pilot, Etc.) preference would be Sniper or Pilot but anything available will work for me.

Skype: Derpy98

Do you have TS?: Why, yes I do!

Former experience with Dayz/Origins: Not only have I had plenty of experience with DayZ (over a year and a half worth) but I am also a veteran of ArmA as well, I use to play tactical realism servers on ArmA all the time so I have plenty of experience and know very good tactics.

Any Former Clan(s)?: None at all, I have joined a few groups here and there and we would add each other on skype but besides that I have not joined any clans at all.

Edited by Steamroller98

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Age: 13(Near to 14)


What role you want: Medic or Support

Skype: tjmashpot852

Do you have TS?:Yes

Former experience with Dayz/Origins: I have played Dayz for 1 or 2 years but only started playing origins 2 months ago

Any Former Clan(s)?:No but I have been in a small group of guys before.

Edited by Tjmashpot

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Skype contact request have been sent, If you are still interesting we are still recruiting!

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Name:Heath (or just TacoSh3ll)


Country:United States

What role you want: Sniper or Support


Do you have TS?:Yes

Former experience with Dayz/Origins:i have quite a bit of experiance but only with small things like going to small towns and finding like a double barrel or something, but also allot of experience with regular DayZ.

Any Former Clan(s)?:Nope, never been in one but would really like to be.

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Country: United Kingdom

What role you want: Support

Skype: Would rather state in a PM

Do you have TS?: Of course

Former experience with Dayz/Origins: I've been playing for about a week now and I've been enjoying it a lot. I've played numerous mods such as DayZ origins, Breaking point and the vanilla Day Z. I tend to be a lone ranger where by I would mostly stick to the outskirts of towns and wait for the opportunity to get some loot. However, I want to experience this game with some more people, hence why i'm applying :)

Any Former Clan(s)?: I have not been involved with any other clans.

Edited by SmireGrey

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