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Offical Origins server UK 174 [IP:] [Friendly Admins][245th Combat Communications Group][25-40 player base][Running 1.7.1]

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UK 174!



UK 174's website is a work in progress. But... It is up and running. feel free to visit, Sign up and use the forums


Server Information:

Server Name: UK 174 Origins Server

Map: Taviana

Server difficulty: Veteran

. Server Version: (1.7.1/103419)

Server IP:

Server time (4 Hour day/night)

Server information:

Origins Key Features :

New and Enhanced Day/Night cycle . ( Smooth transition every 4 hours cycle ) for more dynamic and immersive gameplay.

Patient Zero: A unique mutated Super zombie capturing / killing this zombie might have the cure for the zombie infection.

Survivor made vehicles: Cars / helicopters / rafts / quad bikes and more

New Twist: Yotopia ( Salvation City ) the last human standing city where the society elites and the rich still live away from the infection. protected by high walls and the world top trained elite mercenaries.

Persistent Survivor levelling based on the newly introduced Humanity system. Players start with level 1 survivor with persistent levelling up , Players lose 1 level each time they die.

GamePlay Changes: Think Twice before shooting the next survivor you see.Resources on the main land are getting more scarce while " Salvation City " is rich with weapons and supplies but you cannot just walk there alone unless you have a deathwish. You should team up and down the guards.

Every level enjoys new survivor/bandit outfit ( 24 in total )

Taviana 3.0 Map: DayZ Origins takes place on fully re-worked 600 Km2 Taviana Island 3.0 featuring over 60 new enterable building types, ( Hospitals, Train stations, Commercial districts, police stations, Ports, Military stations, Museums and much more, polished interiors and exteriors with highly detailed and carefully designed textures

Zombies: Introduction of 12 New Zombies Types: Zombies are now more aggressive more dangerous, from swamp zombies to mutated zombies, stronger and faster and each with different characteristics.

Fully Customizable Survivor made vehicles: did you like Mad max ? Unleash your imagination on how you want to customize your vehicles, You can add plows or shield your driver seat window .. possibilities are endless, each decision you make can make the difference between life and death.


25 New customizable Vehicles including: Newly introduced iconic cold war Russian aged Vehicles reflecting the " end of the world" post apocalyptic

theme and spirit and lots more go here

http://www.dayzorigins.com/ for more information. I also plan on hosting events once we have a player base. We also listen to requests if you want somthing added to the server or removed from the server and enough people agree with you. We will add or remove that something


Server Rules:

No malicious chat.

- No racism (racism results in an immediate, permanent ban)

- No voice over Side Chat, text only (in English)

- No Hacking

- No Cheating

- No Glitch Exploiting.

Admins will give you three warnings before taking action apart from "Racism" we have a Zero tolerance towards Racism, you will recive an immediate permanent ban which you will not be able to appeal. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Gotcha Anti Hack

The server uses Gotcha Anti Hack.

  . Note: not all Admins have access to this program only the Admins I fully trust not to abuse it. Our other Admins use a normal BattleEye Rcon program. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Voice Server:

In the next few days I plan on getting a Voice server.I am in the middle of making my choice from TeamSpeak 3 or Mumble



Our Admins are mature and friendly, and active. They like to have a laugh and don't mind the odd troll. We will never abuse our powers. all bans will be fair and justified.For whatever reason you feel your ban was not fair and was unjustified you can post a "ban appeal" thread on our website.All ban appeals will be looked at and taken into consideration no matter what you was banned for. We believe in second chances. But not third chances.if we ban you for the second time that's it your out, no more ban appeals.


No Pay to win:

have noticed most servers will give "Donators" custom gear, access to a donator zone, or a custom vehicle. UK 174 does not do Pay to win. if you donate we want it to be because you like the server and service we bring. Not because you want a AS50 Sniper.



Combat Communications Group:

UK 174 is happy to announce that "245th Combat Communications Group" have chosen UK174 Origins Server as their home server.

If you are looking for a Origins Clan I recommend giving them a look at.http://dayzmod.com/f...oup-recruiting/


Thanks for reading. 

Update: Please read any Post's I post on this thread as it may contain important information.

Update 2:if you join the server please be patient, the more people that go into the server and wait the bigger chance of more people joining the server.

Update 3:Please add the server to your Dayz Commander fav list, even if your not going to join right now, please still add it, once we start getting a player base you might change your mind.

Edited by matt6950

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Origin server great fun.

If you have not tried it out yet I recommed trying it.

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Admins wanted.

To be a become one of our Admins. you need to 1st become a regular player on the server for at least a week (if you are not allready)

Once we have got to know you in that week. We will then give you a "try out" week as Admin.

If you get on well for that week, we will keep you on.

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Its a great server guys, Like he has stated above we will be moving into the server! Would really love for some of you guys to come out and give the server a go!

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Starting to get a player base going.

server has dipped in players at the moment.

6 players online at the moment.

Edited by matt6950

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I'm not to sure I am on holiday at the moment I left 2 Admins on charge.

checking my emails the server had a update and the server provided shut down all servers at 22:00.

The server should be back up by now if it's not message me and I'll see what i can do my end.

if not I am back late Friday UK time.

Thank you for playing on UK174.

and sorry about your gear.

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We have a large player base.

But the server is not normaly full, would like to change that.

Most our players are at work or school right now.

we normaly have about 25 people online.

Including groups of 5.

Like the Bandit Hunter group. their is about 5 of them.

Their is a few things that need to be changed on the server but they should not effect you to much.

they are the Auto Messages.

and the Auto Server Restart. (Not working again)

Good all round server.

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