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Looking for DayZ Origins Server with Scheduled Restarts. PLZ

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Anyone help me find this? need a list of servers that run DayZ Origins mod with scheduled restarts and no nameplates... Please help! Group of 4 of us have been searching for some good servers.

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Hey, so thought i would post even tho i dont have a orgins server, we really wanted one but couldnt find a server hosted out of the us so we would have had bad ping, But we do have base building on our server, if that is what you are looking for in orgins? I Know they have a pretty cool building options on their :) Again we are not orgins but as close as we can get with the base building mod.


Above is more info on our server feel free to check it out while your searching for the perfect origins server. Let me know if you do get on we have mumble you can get on as well :)

Oh and after typing i do recall a server i played on that i did enjoy that was origins, it was BoozePlatoon i think. Anyways ping was kinda high for me but - bow to me im british- was super friendly on the server :)

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