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Need People On My Server!

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I have just recently made a new DayZ server (From DayZ.ST) and I have no clue whatsoever how to get people to play on it. I have posted on several forums (Including this one) And in one day

I have managed 4 people (Me, 2 other people and my friend). So far I'm not having good luck on it, You can check the thread I posted on this forum site by going to my threads.

My question to you is how do I get people to play?


Edited by Tresterling100

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First of all: There is simply a lot of Private Hives out there at the moment.

On the other hand gaining a stable playercount isn't that simple at all.

I checked one of your threads on the board here and I like to be honest with you - it's horrible.

Here's why:

I just saw a lot of empty phrases and misspellings.

I assume you are not a native speaker.

That's fine, but you have to remember: You only have this one chance to show people how awesome your server is. Misspellings and an unorganised looking thread is a NO-GO. Also the colors used are hurting my eyes. The inital visual impact is vital here.

Consequence: Potential players will just skip your thread. They will stay away from your server.

You don't need a fancy logo and shit. But provide basic informations in a professional looking way. Keep it as short as possible, most important infos on top and never forget to clearly point out, what makes your server so different. So, take your time and refurbish one of your threads.

AND: DO NOT start 4 threads in like 2 days.

It's just very, very annoying and doesn't help you and your server at all.

Even worse:

It shows that you are desperate.

Be self-confident and tell the people out there, that theyy have to play on your server, because it is unique (I don't think it is, but that's your goal).

Good luck and regards

Edited by Flaschenkind

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First of all: There is simply a lot of Private Hives out there at the moment.

On the other hand gaining a stable playercount isn't that simple at all.

I checked one of your threads on the board here and I like to be honest with you - it's horrible.

Here's why:

I just saw a lot of empty phrases and misspellings.

I assume you are not a native speaker.

That's fine, but you have to remember: You only have this one chance to show people how awesome your server is. Misspellings and an unorganised looking thread is a NO-GO. Also the colors used are hurting my eyes. The inital visual impact is vital here.

Consequence: Potential players will just skip your thread. They will stay away from your server.

You don't need a fancy logo and shit. But provide basic informations in a professional looking way. Keep it as short as possible, most important infos on top and never forget to clearly point out, what makes your server so different. So, take your time and refurbish one of your threads.

AND: DO NOT start 4 threads in like 2 days.

It's just very, very annoying and doesn't help you and your server at all.

Even worse:

It shows that you are desperate.

Be self-confident and tell the people out there, that theyy have to play on your server, because it is unique (I don't think it is, but that's your goal).

Good luck and regards

Thank you for your input, i'm new to servers and getting people to play on them, I'll take your advice and delete the other posts and try to make one look more professional :).

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