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The real action packed story

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Seen someone was disappointed by the spammers misleading thread (although some might say mine is too) so here is what just happened 2 mins ago.

Logged in, totally forgot what gear I had so was happy to see I had a sniper. Had no map or compass so took a while to figure out where I was, just outside electro. Went up on a roof to get a good view of what has happening and a freshie had followed me up, after establishing we were both friendly, I began to help him find loot. We were heading for the church when we started taking fire..... it had all kicked off. A sniper (or group of them) had taken up positions around the town and were just shooting everyone, even freshies. So everyone in the town banded together to hunt the snipers. I flanked round to the hill and took up a good position, people were calling out that the shooters were on top of roofs, which didnt help, because they werent there. Eventually I got taken out by someone at the north side fire station, logged out for my dinner and when I came back it was still going on and still is now, its a war zone, very exciting.

Edited by Yoshi1991

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