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Grassy Hills for Miles

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First I'd like to say that after hours of installing/configuration/troubleshooting - Arma2/Day Z has been the most frustrating experience I have ever had with a game in my life.

Every server I join, I spawn in the middle of an open field with nothing but grass and hills for as far as the eye can see. I run for what seems like eternity, get to the top of a huge hill, only to see miles and miles of grass and hills.

No one ever responds to my questions, and there are a lot of people who seem to be afk or dead. Just standing there, not moving or doing anything.

All I want to do is one fun thing. I bought Arma 2 with the sole intention of playing Day Z, and I have not had one second of fun throughout the many hours of playing thus far.


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so can i roll back to an older version or anything?!?!?!? this game makes me want to kill myself in RL.

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i have the files but I tried using them wont work either..

same, i rolled back to this version and still no luck.

what a waste. i want the last 8 hours of my life back. not to mention the 40 bucks i spent on arma.

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If you people don't understand that your testing this ALPHA mod and not playing it then I give up with you...

Arma has had bugs for years and if you think Rocket is going to make this mod perfect in every way then your mistaken...

When it is final then you might get near perfection but then again I'll be playing Arma 3... :)

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You can fix this easy, first you have ot patch your arma 2 game to the beta version not the dayz mod files but the game itself.

Here is the guide i used to do it.


After i did that i joined the server " canada 2" that one don't know why teleported me in the woods, after that leave the serve since your location is saved and the canada server is on the older version.

After that join a server with the same version as you have and if you spawn i nthe woods run a few minutes to east and you should be back in the game world. Or do it like me suicide and get respawned in the gmae world.

Hope this helps you. cheers

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Try launching your command prompt and typing: "format C:" then Y

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NOT, or

numbers are so hard to use right?

dont spread bullshit thx


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The Game is up to date and many people are having this issue including myself. I have the beta patch installed and have been using six updater to keep the game up to date. No matter which server I choose I spawn int he same huge open grassy area and can run forever. I have not been able to play the game for a week now and hope an actual solution is found soon.

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Sadly I tried running out of there and the canada 2 option but both didn't work as the game failed to save after i reached "civilisation" so i respawned and got killed within 10 mins by zombies while laying prone at night, learnt a new lesson without much loss

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