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looking for someone a little unexperienced to team up with

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hi, i am looking for someone to team up with that isent to experienced.

im not so experienced my self (im not terrible) but i want someone to play with so if you are interested add me on skype and i will tell u more: stian.karlsen.

you must speak fluid english!

im 15 btw

Edited by theproanaltoad

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Hi my in-game is |Alumni| UnKnowN and I'm in a clan of 10 players and we always work together as a team.

Our group plays regularly. We're hostile, normally shoot on sight. I'm looking for players who are

experienced and know their way around the map.

The requirements are listed bellow:

1. Sociable (unshy)

2. Mature

3. 14+ (14 and over)

4. Speak English (must be fluent)

5. Patient

6. Team player


8. Teamspeak

9. Experienced

If you meet the requirements add me on:

Skype: anthony.abbat38

Steam: Gam3rx3

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