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looking for a small group or partner

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im looking for a small group of people to play regular old dayz with. i dont realy want to join a huge clan or anything i just want a small group of people or a partner to hang with.

first things first here i got to tell you guys a little about my self and what type of group and or partner i want.

Im 16 years old and been playing dayz for about a few weeks. i read up very extensively on the game before i got it and learned all the little tricks and basic knowledge required to play. i suppose i consider my self a experienced person on dayz now and will look for groups and or people that are also experienced.

now let me tell you about my preffered game play style in dayz.

well im a very stealthy player, i avoid detection pretty easily and try to always use patience and stealth before i engage targets. i generally avoid people in dayz (unless there my targets) aka most people as in anyone i don't know and or dont really want to kill. there for i would sort of want to join a group with the same sort of mind set if you know what i mean. i want a to have some friends that will use stealth and wit to infiltrate and bandit base for instance instead of just running ass first into a village and or base. prehapes a sniper group/partner would be best for me? idk realy.....only time will tell....

my contact info

my dayz ingame name is Tricky

steam name= zombie_abobo

skype name = zombie_abobo

Edited by zombie_abobo

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I understand that you are not quite looking for a unit/clan, but I would highly encourage you to check out the

[AZTEC] Anti-Zombie Tactics, Extermination, and Containment !

We are a mil-sim realism unit that is dedicated to Protecting the Weak, Mending the Broken, and Vanquishing the Undead. We are by no means a bandit group and strive to be Heroes in the wasteland as much as we can. Core active group on daily and we're looking to expand our member base. Please take the time to check us out here!

Thanks for reading!

Edited by Thaevin

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I would like to play some day z, i too dont really want a huge group but a partner that i could play regullary with would be good, if you are interested add me on skype - ciaran-w@hotmail.co.uk

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Hey, I understand that you don't really want to join a clan. But check this thread out and it will explain all the details about the clan.(http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/127007-eternal-overwatch-recruiting/)Within the clan there are different sections for games. In the DayZ section there are about 7 active players that hop onto Dayz daily and mess around. We have our own server also.

We don't really have a play style as a group because we just act on what's happening there and then. Some players like to run in while others like to hang back and it seems to work really well. If your interested check the thread out and it will explain how you can join Eternal Overwatch.


EO DayZ Admin

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