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  On 6/12/2013 at 4:50 PM, Rainbow Bandit said:
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I want to cum inside Rave


Edited by Mander00
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i'm jealous

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i wanted to butcher him with a hatchet

Edited by Rainbow Bandit

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  On 6/11/2013 at 6:26 PM, Rainbow Bandit said:

jFKyAFh.gif>Me waiting for the server to come up

Edit:>Me rolling over and sighing after Rave shoots me with an AS50

lol'd at the edit

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  On 6/13/2013 at 3:59 PM, TrickHick said:

Is it just me or is there something wrong with the server

It's being updated to 1.7.7 atm

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Man, if the DayZ Standalone stays the same as it is at E3, it looks horrible.

Edited by Rainbow Bandit

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  On 6/13/2013 at 6:21 PM, Rainbow Bandit said:

Man, if the DayZ Standalone stays the same as it is at E3, it looks horrible.

If dayz stays the same as it is now, it is horrible.

Funfact; not only did the as50 get dayz banned, but so did all of the m8s, the SCARs, the L85s, and various other items such as the m32

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Added antibiotics to the starting loadout to help combat the ridiculous infection rate zombies now and the ridiculous drop rate antibiotics have, I'm away from home for the weekend so I don't know how much work I'll be getting done on the server over the next couple of days.

Updates left to add;

-Recustomizing loot tables (Might take a while because I have to go about it a different way now)

-Custom skins

-Probably something else?

Known issues;

-Study body flags name as <null>

-Kill messages not working

-Tag as friendly

-Number of days on debug

-Switching skins while in tent/vehicle (rocket's fault I'm pretty sure)

-Some old tents won't save to the DB reseting their inventory every server restart (I'm told this is a common issue with private hive servers on 1.7.7)


Edited by Coveted
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Thank god, i raged off the server yesterday. too much infection. so yeah ill be back probably round the time loot tables are done. take your time, no rushing.

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  On 6/15/2013 at 5:38 PM, MyNameIsReed said:

Thank god, i raged off the server yesterday. too much infection. so yeah ill be back probably round the time loot tables are done. take your time, no rushing.

Gotta love the dev team and their infinite wisdom.

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Seems .st is having another problem with their servers causing ours to be down, I'm sure they'll give a report on how they are being DDOSed or something soon enough... I should be home later this evening, so I'll probably get an update pushed with loot tables tonight. I'm not sure what guns aren't banned from dayz now, so expect loot tables to be updated a few times over the next few days.

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  On 6/16/2013 at 1:39 PM, Coveted said:

Seems .st is having another problem with their servers causing ours to be down, I'm sure they'll give a report on how they are being DDOSed or something soon enough... I should be home later this evening, so I'll probably get an update pushed with loot tables tonight. I'm not sure what guns aren't banned from dayz now, so expect loot tables to be updated a few times over the next few days.


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I've found that the majority of the good features that were added with 1.7.7 (Read: combining mags) could probably be added to with a little bit of work, which raises the question of how to progress in the future. I also recently contact dayz.st support and asked them if it was possible to revert the server to, to which they replied that it was not possible at this time.

Here's how I see things: I personally am not a fan of what 1.7.7 did and I think it ruins what made our server special, and with that being said I only see a few possible reactions.

A. Stiff it out with 1.7.7 and try to find beauty in an overwhelmingly negative space (and perhaps hope that ST supports in the future)

B. Switch to a different provider that would allow at the cost of a complete database reset and a new IP address

C. Start using Rmod to allow all the banned weapons/vehicles again, at the cost of pretty much cutting off most new players

D. Call it quits and shut the server down

I'd like to hear what the rest of the community has to say on the matter, because it seems the majority of people have already spoken their opinion when they jumped ship. (Note how we dropped like 100 server ranks in a couple of days)

Edited by Coveted
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While this will doubtlessly be a hassle for you, my vote would lie in switching server providers. DayzST is a terrible one just by itself and I would've advised that even if we weren't in the current scenario that we're in right now.

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Personally I'd stay on this server no matter what you choose or follow to another provider. Its cause of the respect I've seen to each other. You have a good bunch of guys here.

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Who is responsible for this?


As a side note: I've got custom loot tables working so there should be more antibiotics to go around, I'll follow up with more loot tables later.

PS. Rank 816 guys? Come on now that's like 200 ranks in a week.

Edit because I don't like to overbump my own thread: Found a way to lower infection rate and all around clean up mess. Great news! They released which means now we get to wait for .st to update the server again, then I get to do more work :D

On the bright side they decided that banning SUVs was a full retard move (not that every ban they made wasn't) and will be readding them. Under a different ID of course so nobody will get their SUVs back and all the items you stored in them will still be gone!

Edited by Coveted
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Due to the server being dead after 1.7.7 I've decided to discontinue my association with it. I don't think mander will continue without me so it'll probably be shut down in 3 days.

We may host again when the standalone comes out, assuming it doesn't blow donkey cock like I'm sure it will. If we decide to I'll post about it here and send out some messages on skype.

If you guys find a good server to play on you should hit Mander and I up, we'd like to keep playing with you all.

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