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Devon206 (DayZ)

DayZ Diary Post Your Newest Experiences HERE!

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Hey guys! I was just wanting to make a thread to bring players 'Together'. Anyways post 'Diary' Entries here! Such as a story that happened to you today that you though was "Interesting." Thanks, From, Devon

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Hmmmm..one time i ate a can of sardines whille sitting in the middle of cherno.

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Here's my story. I'm walking near a factory when I hear a chopper coming. I see that it's coming to pick up some guy. I got jealous so I shot him with a winchester from quite a distance away. Took a few seconds for him to die. Here's a video of the incident.

Edited by Geopr86

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I got picked up by a chopper near the factory in Cherno. As we took off our pilot got shot......

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I got picked up by a chopper near the factory in Cherno. As we took off our pilot got shot......

Lol that sucks dude. Better story than mine

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I've waited so long for someone to start an awesome thread like this one.

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Hmmmm..one time i ate a can of sardines whille sitting in the middle of cherno.

You brave, brave man.

OT: i ran into a survivor near the Hospital in Cherno last night, he saw my hero skin and asked if I was friendly. I confirmed that I was friendly and gave him a transfusion. My reward was an empty whiskey bottle to the face, a bullet in the leg and a smoke grenade thrown on my now prone body. Worst dance party ever.

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I shot someone in the face that was using a glitch to look though the ground. Looted his body and DMR to MY face.

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Lemme answer that for you sviskety.

No, not at all.

And yes, oh dear sweet jesus yes....

OT: I just drove across the Tavi bridge on a bicycle at night. Worst. Ride. EVER!

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Lemme answer that for you sviskety.

No, not at all.

And yes, oh dear sweet jesus yes....

OT: I just drove across the Tavi bridge on a bicycle at night. Worst. Ride. EVER!

I feel much more confident as a diarrheaman

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Playing Balota Buddies for first time

Near Balota Airstrip

Thought a guy was shooting at me

Pumped him with M9

He pumped me with AKM

Both ded

Go back to body

Sniped my a M107

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>Find civilian mi8 with next to no fuel

>Give lift to random German dude

>Try to fly and find fuel

>Land in town where I think there is fuel

> Leave chopper unattended with an empty fuel tank

>The passenger and I look for the fuel

>Hear M16 and Makarov shots at the heli

>Come back to find a dead player

>Come under fire from M16 guy

>We both get shot, bandage

>I Flank through town, German guards chopper

>Hear a grenade go off at the chopper

>Dive behind a tree to see the M16 guy running accross from me

>Three shots into the chest of the M16 bandit

>M16 bandit dies

>Loot body

>Regroup with the German at the heli

>Check the status of the heli, completely broken

>Come under from an AKM bandit

>Get behind chopper and return fire

>AKM bandit runs off

>Chase him through the woods

>Corner him

>AKM guy steps out

>Shoots the German

>I kill the AKM guy

>I ask the German if he is alright

>He says he is alive

>Loot body of the AKM guy

>Come back to find the German guy dead...

...no bandages on his corpse.


Edited by Auslovich

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