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[UK] *New Server* [Chernarus] [Veteran] [24/7 DayLight] [Standard DayZ] [Active/Friendly Admins]

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We are a new server looking for new players or old to join us. We haven't made any modification to the server other than it being daytime 24/7. So if you're looking for a standard DayZ server then come and join us!


25 Vehicles (1 Helicopter)

Always Daytime.

Standard starting loadout: Pain killers, Patrol pack, 1 Bandage.

No death message.

Third person and Crosshair is active.

Admins are active\friendly, we are also looking to recruit some admins if the server grows in population.

No abusive admins.

None of that rubbish "donate to get a special loadout gear". (We can handle the cost for our server)


Don't use your microphone in sidechat!!! (Don't be that guy... :D)

Respect everyone on the server.

And the most obvious rule... Don't cheat.



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