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I think somone else is using my key...

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Hi. So a few days ago I was playing on a server then it said it was restarting in 10 minutes. When the server is back up I join and it said my CD key was in use.. I tought i needed to buy arma 2 CO again but hours later I am able to play again?... And just now it says CD key in use and it's probaly going to work in 20 minutes again? TL;DR: I think i'm not the only one with my key :|

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Hi. So a few days ago I was playing on a server then it said it was restarting in 10 minutes. When the server is back up I join and it said my CD key was in use.. I tought i needed to buy arma 2 CO again but hours later I am able to play again?... And just now it says CD key in use and it's probaly going to work in 20 minutes again? TL;DR: I think i'm not the only one with my key :|

You downloaded something that has stolen your key and now a hacker is using it, the hacker will probably get you global banned soon.

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Unless you've installed your copy of ArmA II on another computer that someone else uses, in which case they might be using it, then someone HAS stolen your CD-Key. Something you have downloaded has taken it.

It's almost certain a hacker is using it, and will get it global banned soon.

Sorry, but there is nothing we can do at all. It is your responsibility to keep your computer clean of the malicious types of files that would take your key.

Edited by Rage VG
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You downloaded something that has stolen your key and now a hacker is using it, the hacker will probably get you global banned soon.

I've never downloaded anything DayZ related.. but isn't it immpossable for people to have 1 key at a time? Like I said, somtimes it says cd key in use then a while later I can log on. I don't know if this is a hacker or not. If it is what should I do :/

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I've never downloaded anything DayZ related...

Sir, I've heard this more than I've heard my ringtone. Even if someone has randomly guessed your key (Astronomically low odds), there is literally nothing we can do. If anything, try talking to Bohemia Interactive.

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Ok well the manual way seems to be buying another arma 2 combined operations. Will I need to make a new steam account? How do I do this? Cause somthing might happen with my registery etc. And yes I've already sent an email to bohemia about it the first time it has happened. I might just wait for the standalone and suck it up

Edited by Dekkymane

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First step, make sure you engrave what I said earlier in your mind.

You are the only person responsible for the security of your computer. If you buy a new copy, and the key is lost due to the same virus taking it again, that is entirely on you.

Once you can accept that, you can move on, by first of course making sure your computer is clean of any malicious files that may steal your key.

Once you're certain it is safe, make a new Steam account. Purchase ArmA II: Operation Arrowhead (Not Combined ops, you only need Operation Arrowhead).

Now, uninstall the current copy of Operation Arrowhead, and reinstall it again from your new account, making sure to give Steam Administrator privileges beforehand.

Once done, you should have a new key, and be ready to go. Your characters will be reset however, as those are tied to your old key.

Edited by Rage VG
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I've never downloaded anything DayZ related.. but isn't it immpossable for people to have 1 key at a time? Like I said, somtimes it says cd key in use then a while later I can log on. I don't know if this is a hacker or not. If it is what should I do :/

It doesn't have to be DayZ, or even ArmA related. Your registry can be scanned *in general* with certain keywords. Last year a New Zealand hacker got his house raided after releasing a program that scanned and copied keys for about 60% of the games on Steam. He made several thousand dollars in two weeks, so his bail was easy to pay off. As far as I know, he's still making hax. :)

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First step, make sure you engrave what I said earlier in your mind.

You are the only person responsible for the security of your computer. If you buy a new copy, and the key is lost due to the same virus taking it again, that is entirely on you.

Once you can accept that, you can move on, by first of course making sure your computer is clean of any malicious files that may steal your key.

Once you're certain it is safe, make a new Steam account. Purchase ArmA II: Operation Arrowhead (Not Combined ops, you only need Operation Arrowhead).

Now, uninstall the current copy of Operation Arrowhead, and reinstall it again from your new account, making sure to give Steam Administrator privileges beforehand.

Once done, you should have a new key, and be ready to go. Your characters will be reset however, as those are tied to your old key.

Hey thanks for the help, I'll do this tommorow. I have an AV but it never detected any keystealer. Either way I'll be very cautious next time. I don't care about my DayZ character at all I just want to play the game again :beans:

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