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Calmly Creating Chaos' Private Hive Chernarus Server | 100 vehicles | Multiple custom scripts like auto-refuel and and towing | Basic spawn gear

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Welcome to {cCc}'s Dayz Server!

Server IP -

Server Info:

-Private Hive

-Hosted in Dallas, Texas

-100 random vehicle spawns

-Simple starting gear (Makarov with 3x mags, 1x bandage, 1x painkiller, 1x flashlight)

-3rd person enabled

-Death messaged enabled

-Tags disabled

-Tracers disabled

-Crosshairs disabled

-UTC-8 (Gets dark at Midnight EST and light at 10AM EST)

-Side chat enabled

-Server restarts every 8 hours (2AM EST, 10AM EST, 6PM EST)

-40 player slots

Server side scripts:

-Full moon nights

-AI patrols (AI spawn as either bandits, survivors, or soldiers)

-Auto refuel

-Extra helicopter crash sites (Also includes rare C130 crash sites and care packages.)

-Fast roping from helicopters (Must be below 20 meters. Pilot has to deploy rope. Gunners can't fast rope.)

-Self blood bagging



-No racism/sexism

-No spamming any chat

-No cheating/hacking

Active admins that you can e-mail at [email protected].

Visit us at CCCGaming.net or join us on teamspeak at ts.CCCGaming.net:9991

Donate to the server directly to the server balance here. http://www.vilayer.c...-534da-338e2-5b

Or donate to our other services such as TS on our homepage.

Edited by snagglefox

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Crosshairs have been disabled. For some reason DayZ Commander is still showing we have nameplates and crosshairs on but we don't. Also, the difficultly may be set to regular but the AI have been giving Veteran stats. They had terrible accuracy even at short range before and could hardly even shoot zombies within 10 meters. Now they're much more deadlier.

We're planning on adding custom buildings. Specifically building up Cherno and Elektro. Most likely making Stary Sobor larger as well. We want to eventually add on to every town at least a little bit. Custom bases are still being considered.

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