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You are running version 1.7.6.-Finalising

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Evening all,

Please refer to the .jpeg shown below

I am unable to connect to the DayZ servers, this error has presented itself for the first time tonight.I am assuming this error is a result of Steam updating critical files before my most recent attempt at launching Dayz .Does anyone know how to rectify this issue any assistance will be greatly appreciated, thanks for your time.


Edited by Odins_Path

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try and validate your files on steam

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I managed to force a Steam client rollback this was achived by selecting beta v1.7.6- , Steam executed a small download. I then rolled back to v1.7.6.1 a minor Steam download as a result i could launch v1.7.6.1 instead of v1.7.6.-finalizing.

I hope this helps someone else

Edited by Odins_Path

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