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Just an EU bandit group

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We're not a clan or anything like that, just a group of 4 friends (2 of which I've played different games with for years), who like to log in and play together.

We're bandits, we generally shoot first and ask questions later, and we get a lot of our gear this way. It's just the way we enjoy it, as we make trips to the airfields for gear, and all over the map, and don't like to lose it or have to run half the map back to our friends because someone decided to get a few headshots off before dying after being asked if they're friendly. Our survival is all we care about.

We're all around 22ish. Two Englishman, a Welshman, and a Finlander. We don't take stuff too seriously, we banter alot, and we have alot of fun, but we don't play DayZ like CoD either, against other survivors DayZ is a game of patience.

Anyway, if you're a likeminded bandit that plays in our timezone (anywhere from 12pm - 12am GMT) then PM me a little about yourself and please have a mic and no problem with using Teamspeak and I'll throw you the IP.


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