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Think about it. I would love to set a field or forest on fire, drawing in zombies and players far and wide. Then we could have a big ol' family reunion.

Eh? Good plan, I think

Disclaimer: I actually think anybody who finds a flamethrower or box of Molotov cocktails would win DayZ, if said fires were uncontrolled (Or had no way of controlling). And of course, we can't have people winning an MMO.

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Would cause to much lag, and you can round up zombies by shooting a weapon near a city. ;)

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Would cause to much lag, and you can round up zombies by shooting a weapon near a city. ;)

Yeah, you would need a NASA computer to run it.

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Secondary disclaimer: If my first disclaimer did not get the point across, I doubt it could be implemented. Though it would be glorious even if the fire could only reach about 50-100 yards. Graphically, it's not that difficult to implement (You CAN have LODs on fire sprites, you know), but the sheer amount of calculations needed for a dynamic fire will likely cause issues if the standalone engine has any difficulties relaying that much data. Then again it can handle hundreds of bullets flying around in large engagements as well as dozens of zombies.

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