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Bret (DayZ)

New RP server on East coast!

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RP Server (Starting Server)

We have started a RP server hosted by Dayz.St, the server is located on the EAST coast. It is a whitelisted, private hive, password protected. There is possibility for permanent camp (you submit a camp to admin provide building material required (list of mats/item on website). Server Map editor will consume the tents and the mats and provided the submitted camp.

For more organized player it will be possible to control some land and uphold any law you set for your land. Banditry is welcome but there is also a Bounty system to hunt down those scoundrels looking for shenanigans.

As this is an RP server with involved admin there are actual quests/storylines being run by admin with rewards.

The website is still just a frame but a working one, the server is up and running. If you want info on how to get whitelisted please visit: http://dayzearthdawnrealrp.net/

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This looks amazing!

So I just submit my GUID and my Character background to the admin gmail and get whitelisted?

The permanent camp feature is very straight forward

Can't wait to get started!

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Met the admins today. Seem like nice people, and have some great ideas for the server. Should give them a shot!

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