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The Texas Boneyard [+Vehicles/Helis][Dogs][Heli-Lift][Animated Crashes][AI Bandits][Auto-Refuel][Full Moons][TSW Antihack][Clear Roads]

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Join us on Raid Call @ raidcall.com ID:6049630

The Texas Boneyard private hive server!

Join the Texas Boneyard private hive for an awesome DayZ experience!

  • Additional Vehicle Spawns
  • HALO spawns
  • No Starting Loadout
  • Helicopter lifts / Vehicle towing
  • AI Bandits patrol key areas and the wilderness
  • Auto-refuel
  • Part salvaging for undamaged parts
  • Full Moon Nights
  • Custom buildings
  • Clear Roads
  • TSW Anti-hack paralleled with DaRT for a secure DayZ experience
  • Database backups every 20 minutes for any necessary roll-backs

PvP is allowed.

This Server is monitored constantly.

The server is restarted every 6 hours to clean up bodies and respawn destroyed vehicles.

Join us on our forums at www.txboneyard.com!


Port: 3187

Raidcall ID: 6049630

Or just filter The Texas Boneyard

Edited by Aliveman

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Here is a terrible example of how to video one of The Boneyard's heli-crash spawns.

Edited by Aliveman

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This sounds awesome, i am trying to do the same setup on my server. I have put the Refuel script in but everyone keeps getting kicked for script restriction #44 i added the script to the scripts.txt but it still boots people? Did you guys encounter this problem?

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ich empfehle nicht auf den server zu spielen, nachdem ich ein lager gefunden habe das anscheinend das admin lager war wurd ich instant gebant, spielspass ist was anderes

became a ban after i found the admin camp, nice job adim team

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This is a screenshot of your inventory. Despite having tons of good gear, you will notice "ItemRadio". I am not a new admin and I don't know when you hackers are going to understand that Radios no longer spawn in DayZ, for any reason, ever.

Also, you were not at any admin base. I do not have a gear stash anywhere.

You can appeal your ban on my forums, but you need to figure out how you'll explain the hacked in gear. The NVG's, Rangefinders, and GPS are some of the rarest loot in the game, not to mention the DMR and ghillie suit to go with your NVG's and tons of ammo...but thats not the tell-tale sign. The Radio is.

I have several screen shots showing everything necessary for a global ban from Battleye, right now you are only banned from my server.

(Wenn Sie erklären können, wie Sie einen Radio in Ihrem Standardhacker loadout erhielten, lasse ich Sie zurück herein. Ich habe ein Lager oder schaffe nirgends beiseite.)


Edited by Aliveman

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das habe ich in den zelt gefunden, in dem lager wo ich annahm das, das admin lager ist, oben rechst auf der map coord weis ich nicht mehr, dort warem bestimmt 10 zelte mit soches zeug drinne und mehr

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No tents on the server are currently holding a radio. I have checked the database.

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