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Is Steam now running the latest Day Patch 1.7.6 Update?

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As the title says really, just spent ages downloading the ARMA 2 Complete purely for the mod and read on some forums that Steam still had the old patch update and therefore there wasn't many servers to play on. Can anyone let me know if the latest patch is now running on steam?

Thank You

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Cant help you with the steam bit BUT

you should just go download DayZ commander. then you wouldn't have to worry about things like this.

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I don't suppose he can, as it's not something you'd ever look at once you download it. Plus, it's not necessary. You have to upgrade regularly with dayzcommander or similar server provider. Good luck.

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Many Thanks for your response, i was just hoping to keep it all under one roof i.e. steam. With that said i've heard great things about Dayzcommander.

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With DayZcommander,

- You will be able to fav server and come back later on (good if you have tent on a server)

- See witch server run on what.

- Download extra map (like Taviana or Takistan)

- Download extra mod for dayZ (Like Origin or 2017)

- See if the server is a private hive or not

- Get every Update available as soon it get out.

- See if the server have password.

- Search a specific server faster and easly.

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I'm going to download commander tonight, it was a nightmare using Steam, out of approx 50 servers i could use about 3 which only had about 6 players on it. Steam is pointless for DayZ, at least until the standalone comes out i guess.

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Yeah, go with DayzCommander. I also wanted to go with the Steam version but decided to stick the forum's advice & everything worked out perfectly.

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