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Suggest: Extend unconsciousness before death

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When playing as a team, there's no time to save a buddy after he goes down. He's just instantly dead.

It'd be better if your opponent had to 'finish you off' before you were actually dead, preferably with a headshot. This way, a buddy who has epi-pen, bandages and blood bags can save your life after you go down.

All I'm asking for is a 2 minute counter before "YOU ARE DEAD" unless you were headshotted. This encourages teamwork.

Besides, it allows bandits to walk up to you, deliver a one-liner and shoot you in the head. :P

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I think this concept could work, but I would rather see it based on the severity of the wounds/how fast you are actually bleeding out etc., I would not however like to see this implemented only to make the game easier in that respect.

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Well that's almost what I was getting at, a headshot is lethal no matter what. (even that might be too far, but whatever).

Lets say you need 2 or 3 bandages if wounds are "severe", then a blood bag and finally the epinephrine (and non-essentials like morphine and painkillers). By having to kill the enemy bandit AND do this in 2 minutes or less you're cutting it real close. Sounds pretty hard to me.

Hell, if wounds were severe, throw in a 50% chance for infection. Antibiotics are a rare spawn... but you're even more rarely getting infected.

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I support more unconciousness. Unconcious players could have extremely reduced bloodloss and fall unconcious quicker. Wouldnt make the game easier but might make it less lethal.

Though waiting 5min when youre alone would suck.

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This downed state would be different from normal unconsciousness since you'd essentially be at 0 blood. So considering that ESC shouldn't be disabled so you can just respawn if you were playing alone. And disconnecting in this state = death.

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yeah man I can't live with the consequences of my mistakes either

I play exclusively as part of a tribe because allies are huge advantage, revival mechanics remove a squad's need to fear smaller squads and loneplayers

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yeah man I can't live with the consequences of my mistakes either

I know of people whove been wounded badly and were unconcious for longer ties than 10min. Some apparently fall in a coma that can alst for any period of time.

They couldnt die with the consequences of their actions so why should we?

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  'Sandy State Phantom said:

yeah man I can't live with the consequences of my mistakes either

I play exclusively as part of a tribe because allies are huge advantage' date=' revival mechanics remove a squad's need to fear smaller squads and loneplayers


Sounds to me like you are overreacting. Do you even realize how short 2 minutes is considering what you have to do? This isn't BF style insta-revive crap.

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I and others have created threads regarding reviving fallen players, and suggested adding defibrillators to the game that would work on a downed player for several minutes post death allowing teams to get a man back on his feet should he meet an untimely demise.

These should be as rare as NVG's, and have some form of set consequence to balance;

Take your pick: Cooldown period, rare battery ammo, really loud revive process attracting zombies, single use etc...

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