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Looking for group

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Looking for survivor/hero group. Been playing DayZ for awhile and looking for a group of players to run with. Mature players/Euro TZ a must.

My play times vary, as work takes over. I can play a decent amount on days off though.

I'm 20, military, if that matters.

Skype: stephen170211

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Clan Info:

Bloodline Is a new clan that owns Its own server and teamspeak. At the moment we are looking to recruit new members to our group.

Honor, Loyalty, Respect that's our clan motto. We shoot on sight.

TeamSpeak Server: talonite.typefrag.com:4105

Day Z Server: US 1978 BloodLine | Vilayer.com




mature attitude



Must speak fluent english

must be active (If your not so active or you play certain days let us know)


No Clan Killing

No stealing

No drama (If there is a problem between you and any other member Inform the Clan leaders)

If there are any questions feel free to msg me on the forums or on steam. Steam name: Zylon180

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How many poeples is in the clan so far mate


don't know how to join a teampseak if you could show me

microphone yes

english is my native language

on everyday

skype- same as my username :)

Edited by ciarangames1080p

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Hello my name is Kristian.

We got 3 in our squad at this moment we want 1-2 more players that is active. we are from timezone 1- paris we are playing on a taviana server atm


- Speak and type fluent english

- Be mature and be 16+ in age

- Have experience in the game

- Have a good attitude

- Patience when ambushing.

- Be active.

- Listen to orders from squad leader.

- Got teamspeak 3

- Decent at shooting snipers and assault riffles

- Good heli pilot will be prefered.

- Dont be a lagging nightmare

- Famililar with all weapons and their noise

- Dont think with your ass

What you can expect from us

- Good support and aid in battle

- Action against other clans

- Great teamwork

- We got teamspeak 3 channel

- We are well geared that includes as50's and spare ghillies.

- We are all very experienced in the dayz world and game

- We are not compleet doucebags if you make a mistake.

- We DO NOT shoot unarmed players unless he did something to us

- We got helis and urals.

- We know how to joke arround when thats needed after a won battle

You can reply to me on my skype(rynkebysaft2)/steam(kristian0001)/ts3( and ofc in here.

If you got any question ask me.

HF and GL out there :)

i know i put this in alot but iam only taking 2 players max so reply :)

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Hi Gamble,

We pretty much have the same profile. 20, military service, EU loc'. play time on weekends (most of them). I play official chern servers but im can play other stuff for the sake of teamplay.

let me know: skype is myron.lioz

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