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Looking for a bandit clan/group

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Hey there I'm a former Halo 2 / Heroes of Newerth / Top 50 in the world of warcraft player.

Looking for a solid group of bandit players to play with. I love playing on the new zombie infection servers aka BreakingPoint so if a group roams those servers that would be great. Would like if you were active.. since my clan as of recent hasn't really been active @ all.

I'm 24 aswell.

Can fly heli's easily, know my way around the map and pretty damn good with snipers.

My comp specs:

CM Storm Trooper Case

Quad Core i5-3570k Overclocked to 4.2 ghz

16gigs of HyperX Blue Ram

Gtx 570 Superclocked 2 gigs

2 120g OCZ SSD's

3TB Harddrive

h80 Corsair Liquid Cooling

MSI Motherbaord

Corsair P2600 Sound System

Steel Series Tiberia Headset

Performance MX Mouse

Razer Blackwidow Ultimate Keyboard

Edited by Freshpro

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hit me up steam and skype is: beatstv. Im on the BP TS when im playing CA38

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do you play Breaking point?

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trying being a hero, the last thing this game needs is more people you can't trust. plus being a hero is way more challenging

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do you play Breaking point?

Yes as of right now I mainly play Breaking Point.

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