WalkerDown (DayZ) 296 Posted June 19, 2012 Again, there's no solution if you do not apply a punishment.I give you another example: imagine the cars videogame out there. Did you ever seen a videogame where the players doesn't start to ride brainless and crashing into each other for the fun of doing so? You may develop a driving simulator, but ppl will continue to use it as a videogame, until you give them a GOOD reason to not doing so, or until you punish them.The same ppl doesn't drive (crash) like that in real life, nor because they wouldn't like to do so, but because they would be "punished" otherwise: being serious injured or die is a pretty big "punishment". :)A solution doesn't exists until you lay down some rules, but ppl claiming this is a sandbox so no rules can be applied, but this is only a naive way of thinking, because you imagine that having no rules means you can do whatever you want to do, and none is "right"; this is false, whenever no rules exists, since this is NOT the real life, there will be ALWAYS a convenient way to play (the more profitable), in our case it is: killing other players rather than join em ... again: it's not the much more interesting way to play, it's just the easier way, the natural (for a videogamer) way.Certain persons someway "grow", and they expands their gaming style (that's why when you're very young you love very basic games, while growing you find more interesting the elaborate games), but that's not true for anyone, and certain persons wanna just "relax", don't want to think too much, don't wanna spend hours building a character, for them the "fun" is just shooting pixels. That's it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LastShenanigan 8 Posted June 19, 2012 I just think its funny when people try and use the reasoning that if there was a zombie outbreak and the world went to hell we would go crazy and kill each-other.They are leaving out one very crucial variable' date=' that we would all have a common enemy to fight and beat.If the dead walked would we go mental and kill each-other?...noIf we were invaded by extra-terrestrials would we go mad and kill each-other?...noWhy not?..Because we would group together and fight the common enemy, two groups might come into conflict over rare resources like fuel or women. It wouldn't be a shoot on sight protocol unless you have a brain the size of a pea-nut, the reason the homo-sapiens won over the Neanderthal was because we are social animals and like to trade and share knowledge (survivor), while the Neanderthal would kill you if you come into his territory and then eat you (bandit).[/quote']HUH?One of the main theories of how Neanderthals went extint is that they came into competition with modern man. As in, we out-speared them to death. That and mixed genetic soups with them, but that could be a by-product of all their males being dead. So if either of those species could be considered the bandit I could only assume it is the more aggresive invasive one aka you and I, homokillingmachine. I'm also not entirely sure about your comment concerning women being a rare "resource" given the current ratio of female to male humans on earth. Or maybe I should say any more of a resource then males would be? I guess we'd need an apocalypse to find out if they fall into the same category as fuel.There's no "variable" inadvertently left out in Dayz, you're plopped down in the middle of an apocalypse full of infected humans and asked to live as long as you can. If people start shooting at others whom they do not know what exactly are we missing? I enjoy sitting on the edge of a forest near a big city, watching other players interact with my binoculars. While I won't say it's 100%, the players I see getting pked over and over again seem to be the ones who run right back to where they were murdered hoping to avenge their prior death or get back what they feel is "their stuff". My advice, treat each spawn as entirely new person, i.e. he has no idea where your last guy died or who killed him.I guess it's easy to ignore the front page of the site also, which indicates how many bandits are currently running around. They account for something like 18% of the alive population right now, so less then 1/5 of the living population are "bad survivors".My assumption is like any good predator, a good bandit knows just where to hang out to keep finding easy prey. I can only assume these people they prey upon are the ones complaining about getting murdered. I myself have only ever been murdered twice. The best argument for why you don't spawn with anything useful anymore is so there is no benefit to repeatedly farming you on the coast. If anything the bandit is wasting his resources and you're not losing anything. Are people really angry that their character who had 1 bandage and 1 can of beans was murdered?In short; buck up! I might not shoot you. :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
S1ippery Jim 139 Posted June 19, 2012 Humans wouldn't kill innocent humans if we had a non human enemy to fight (Zombie/ETAnd exactly which historical precedent are you basing this confident assumption on??? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 0 Posted June 19, 2012 Wouldn't waste your time trying to explain to unknown. Apparently he's completely blocked thousands of years of history from his head. To him humans are inherently altruistic, and when survival is on the line group mentality wins out. He'd rather go on his own belief than the educated guesses of educated people. People are naturally inclined to defend themselves, look out for themselves, and look to their own survival before that of another, unless that other is a friend/loved one. Strangers are no more than competition in a world like the one in DayZ. That's nature, plain and simple. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
unknown..2..u 0 Posted June 20, 2012 OK then idiots, the black death..50% of Europe died, a massive power shift and people thought it was the biblical end of times.What happened?NOTHING..Just because we didn't have good firearms at the time is not proof that we would slaughter innocent people, i think the masses would band together as they would against any common enemy, just as the British did against the German air-force (Luftwaffe) in ww2.The only thing that came out of the black death was workers rights and back street solicitors who stole the dead peoples land.NO slaughter, No crazy people..and yes no zombies, but this was worse than zombies as you can see the stupid shit stain zombie coming toward you like a retard, you can't see the black death. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zilver 0 Posted June 20, 2012 Haven't met one friendly player all day. Met about 13 already and all of them hostile.Really fucking annoying.i am one of the few friendlies, i saved a guy who was chased shared my ammo, saluted and moved on, i was in a group of friendlies before, sadly they had to die in a big attack in cherno :/but i understand what you want to say, i been killed for a empy ak, if it wasn't empty he would have been killed, my attacker, but i only had a flashlight lol calling for friendlies doesn't seem to help in the latest patches as nobody seems to respond which is annoying Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 0 Posted June 20, 2012 Every example you give Unknown, is from times where society was in tact, except the Black Death and your assertion that nothing happened is blatantly false. There were riots, fires, bandits, raping, murdering, theft, the list goes on. All in much greater numbers than before or after. Even so, society was not defunct in that situation either. You keep saying we'd band together, under who? With what? How do you talk to anyone? No power, little food, dirty water, no production, no government, no order. Blah, pointless I tell you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
unknown..2..u 0 Posted June 20, 2012 Every example you give Unknown' date=' is from times where society was in tact, except the Black Death and your assertion that nothing happened is blatantly false. There were riots, fires, bandits, raping, murdering, theft, the list goes on. All in much greater numbers than before or after. Even so, society was not defunct in that situation either. You keep saying we'd band together, under who? With what? How do you talk to anyone? No power, little food, dirty water, no production, no government, no order. Blah, pointless I tell you.[/quote']I think you underestimate the power of religion, also show me proof of the murders and rapes during the black death.The only mass murder during the plague was of the dogs as people thought they spread the plague but it turned out that they were killing the rats that carried it and the plague got worse as a result.No power? we are a bit more advanced now then 100yrs ago when we used fossil fuels or during the plague era when we used candles and oil lamps.under who? our leaders who would survive a simple zombie outbreak.Food..Again you under estimate exactly how much non perishable food we have in tins and also wild life.Why would the water be dirty?Humans would appoint a local leader, we would simply revert back to a feudal system. It's human nature to follow the leader. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 0 Posted June 20, 2012 Ok unknown you still don't get it. We are talking about the example in this mod, the world that we are given.A. Religion? Forgive me but religion has led to some of the most heinous acts in our history.B. Power? There is NO POWER in the mod, we must assume something happened to reduce it. Survivors are outnumbered by infected, meaning we don't have time to run power plants, make things, etc. We are busy surviving. Power doesn't grow on trees and plants don't run themselves.C. There is no such thing as non-perishable food except for military grade MREs and even they are only good for about 25 years.D. Why would water be dirty? Have you tried drinking water that isn't pumped to you from a plant? Surface water, rivers and streams are not all that safe to drink and there's a limited supply of portable filtration.E. Are you sure humans would appoint a local leader? In the case of a societal breakdown the strong would take control, only so far as they can hold it. Democracy is not our natural state. Please for the love of Gods, read something! Read the words of people that know more than you and me.As for crime during the black plague, again if you aren't going to look things up before you post/refute things, I'm not going to waste my time showing you. Have fun my man, pray the world doesn't go to pot because if you go into a situation with that mindset you won't last long. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Skoaliosis 0 Posted June 20, 2012 I don't consider myself a bandit but i did attack a man in Cherno today. He ran into a building I was in with zombies trailing him. Any other time I would have helped him out with the zombies, but all i had was a hatchet and i wanted to see what kind of damage it did PvP. I swung it at him hitting him once or twice. It broke his legs, he had a makarov though and spun around and killed me dead, haha. I am a little happy for him as I harbored no ill feelings towards the man. He was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.If you're reading this whoever you were I am sorry and hope you managed to dispatch those zombies that were chasing you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
unknown..2..u 0 Posted June 20, 2012 XamotDB, you're mad.A. What exactly is your point about religion?B. Power DOES grow on trees, it's carbon and burns and releases energy that can be used to create electricity. Other than that we could use solar panels and wind generators.C. Food last's for a very long time in tins, over time it loses quality and if stored correctly can be eaten decades after it was tinned. I've seen people who claim to have eaten corned beef that was 40yrs old.D. Obviously you don't drink water from a cesspit or in industrial areas.E. Democracy is exactly the natural condition of the strong and intelligent taking control and imposing laws upon the weak by force, do some research on ancient Athens. F. The human race wouldn't self destruct after a global disaster of epic proportions, if only 10% of humanity survived they would be happy as fuck just to meet another human among the zombie horde, not blow his brains out. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fackstah 31 Posted June 20, 2012 dont worrie if you encounter me i will not kill you im real bandit i will leave you but naked with nothing but a can of beans and a bow tie in cherno count yourself luckyCase in point here. Bandits are children who play FPS games and can't spell :)stop trying to argue on the internet and classify people you have no idea about , jealous cause you didn't think of a funny response? call the fucking wambulance im 27 own my own incorporated company that has had over 28 thousand players on our servers in the past what have you done with your pathetic existence of a life ? play video games and waste it ?don't believe me google my fucking name bitch! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wired 1 Posted June 20, 2012 the following post is funny, but kinda puts the nail in the coffin as far as the "People bandit as a playstyle" argument. Clearly, they're just in it for the lulz, not to be a part of the game.http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=16024&pid=149414#pid149414 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
unknown..2..u 0 Posted June 20, 2012 dont worrie if you encounter me i will not kill you im real bandit i will leave you but naked with nothing but a can of beans and a bow tie in cherno count yourself luckyCase in point here. Bandits are children who play FPS games and can't spell :)calling me a child ? get a fucking life and stop trying to argue on the internet and classify im 27 own my own incorporated company that has had over 28 thousand players on our servers in the past what have you done with your pathetic existence of a life ? play video games and waste it ?don't believe me google my fucking name bitch!Well prove your rich and shit, buy me Skyrim. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RachetSmurf 2 Posted June 20, 2012 Haven't met one friendly player all day. Met about 13 already and all of them hostile.Really fucking annoying.Good habit is to meet community through forums and/or chat rooms. Then play with this people after you've gotten to know them. I have a hard time trusting players in game right now, because they also don't trust me and we both panic. Finding out of game players to meet up works well. And the bigger your group is the less likely people will fuck with you and sometimes might even trust you more. All depends on who you run into in the dark alley. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
unknown..2..u 0 Posted June 20, 2012 Haven't met one friendly player all day. Met about 13 already and all of them hostile.Really fucking annoying.Good habit is to meet community through forums and/or chat rooms. Then play with this people after you've gotten to know them. I have a hard time trusting players in game right now' date=' because they also don't trust me and we both panic. Finding out of game players to meet up works well. And the bigger your group is the less likely people will fuck with you and sometimes might even trust you more. All depends on who you run into in the dark alley.[/quote']Also use fraps and try to record the moment that the first bandit cock suck lures you into a trap, then he walks up to you and kills you...For the fucking LULZ, an in his little pea-nut brain the he-she thinks that the he's-she's elite.I say he-she because bandits are 99% bitches.(yes i have been murdered a good few times, usually when i'm in the inventory) & i'm a bitter cunt about it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites