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We have just launched a new server which is still under testing.


Server Details


50 Slots

EU Based

-6 UTC to give peek times more daylight

Chernarus map

Server reboots every six hours to clean up vehicles and loot.

Active mature admins who care about the server community and do not act like immature five year olds.


We have added the following mods to the server.

Debug monitor

HALO jump from vehicles

Self administer bloodbags

Salvage parts from vehicles

Syphon fuel from vehicles

AI consisting of two factions. USMC and Terrorists

Towing vehicles - (currently causing issues with BE filter)(temp disabled)

Air lifting vehicles - (currently causing issues with BE filter)(temp disabled)

Admin tools

Extra vehicles have been added to the server. Including some banned ones e.g apache and bmp.













Starting Loadout


Machete in hand



Binocular, Compass, Map, Flashlight


M9 Ammo clips x2, Bandage x2, Painkiller, CanBakedBeans x2, SodaCoke, SodaPepsi



Server Rules

No hacks or scripts of any kind.

No playing music over side chat.

No abusive language to other players.

Do not argue with staff.

Failing to abide by these rules will result in either a kick or ban.

Mumble Voice Chat

Server ip: survive-dayz.co.uk

Port: 64738

200 Slots

We will also allow clans to apply for there own channels within the server. just apply on the website.

Anyone found using this and playing on other games will be removed.

Currently working on the following

We also keep adding extra features to our website (You can now register with us using your facbook login).

We will also hold item giveaways

keep checking on our facebook, twitter or website pages for more information.

Website: http://www.survive-dayz.co.uk

Facebook: http://www.facebook....vive.DayZ.co.uk

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Survive_DayZ

Edited by DirtySnipe
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I ll give it a try.

btw, does "dont be abusive to other players" also mean dont shoot them :) ? i like that.

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lol naa affraid not I mean swearing at people and being abusive that way.

You can kill all you want.

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AI consisting of two factions. USMC and Terrorists

I also looked at your website.. Does this mean human players can join the factions aswell?

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lol naa affraid not I mean swearing at people and being abusive that way.

You can kill all you want.

So teling somebody he is a moron or somethingis a no-go, but filing his head with bulets thats ok. rofl.

Yeah i get what you mean, thx for your reply. :)

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Milky sorry about that I need to update the website. Before we allowed people to sign up to the skins as terrorist or USMC. We could still possibly allow this but we would need to look at the actual humanity / faction level as the AI wouldnt respond correctly.

I will get the website updated very quickly.

Thanks for pointing that out.

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I tried to conect to the server, gives me #232 scrip restriction?

i am not using any hacks. Any idea what it means?

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Try again and let me know if you have any problems. We still ironing out the BE filters, looks like a few got missed.

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Update to everyone

We have found that one of our mods is currently causing us a few problems with kicking people on joining the server. We are currently trying to pinpoint the exact cause and will give you an update once we have a fix.

Sorry for any inconvenience

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Awesome thanks for the reply. Last question I don't mind if you start with a map or you have to find one. But does it work correctly. I.E. Does it show your location?

I've been on one recently where I finally found a map and my map marker wasn't on screen but it was covered with markers that drew stupid images.

(I'm pretty sure it'll be a normal map but I want to make sure)

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Hi milkeyuk, you start with a standard map but it will not show a pinpointer showing your current location. This is because the server is set to veteran difficulty. I will also update the main thread to contain the starting gear.

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Updated main thread to contain screenshots of current extra vehicles added to the server.

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That first APC...i found it in Cherno and it rocks. Very slow uphill, but goes 90 on flat&downhill.

My sugestions: nore loot on AI, especialy more ammo, backpacks would be nice too. And longer time to colect items from their bodies before they vanish.

Other than that, no complaints for now :)

keep up the good work.

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I will take a look at the AI and see if I can tweak it.

Thank you for the positive feedback.

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I have altered the AI so if they get killed they should remain for about 15 mins.

i have not added extra ammo and backpacks as I dont want them to be turned into nothing more than a farming fest for gear and ammo. i think giving people the gun and one clip is enough.

Hope to see you all ingame over the weekend.

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