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DayZWorld [][GMT-2]|Debug|Custom building| Active Admins|140 Vehicle - 10 Planes - 10 helies| Custom Anti-Hax @ Dayzworld.Zapto.org

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General info about the server:

Name: DayZWorld [][GMT-2]|Debug|Custom building| Active Admins|140 Vehicle - 10 Planes - 10 helies| Custom Anti-Hax @ Dayzworld.Zapto.org


Forum: http://dayzworld.zapto.org/ [Forum is under progress so please be kind :)]

Max Players: 100, but we are testing it out and if were noticing any lag or desync we will take the numbers down.

Where is it hosted: At Sindre [Owner of the server] Location: Bergen, Norway

Teamspeak channel: dayzworld.zapto.org/Minetek.hopto.org (sometimes one of those doesnt work so try both if you cant get in !)

Admins : Current Head Admins: SindreMA [Owner], [NCC] Woppah and Verticante. Current Normal Admins: [NCC] Chrispus, AdrianWhat, [NCC] Vegard, Marco, [NCC], RedTwin and Beast.

Battleye: On

Map: Chernarus

Difficult: Veteran


140 Vehicle - We gladly take any respond if you guys wants to upper or lower the numbers

10 Planes

10 Helis

Can take off clothes off dead bodies [For example: You find a dead body with a ghillie, camo etc. then u can take off the clothes off the dead body and you will get it in your inventory! :)]

Auto Refuel at patrol station. [For both helies and boats!]

Debug monitor. [With your name,fps,murders etc.]

We have active Admins that will help you in most cases! :)

We will sometimes have random events that you are free to participate in! :)

You can remove parts for vehicle! [Only if the part is fully fixed!]

We have CUSTOM ANTI HACK and it is almost 100% hack free!! [And with active admins we can say we have a 100% hack free server!]

We have added some custom buildings, not too much so it gets way to easy to get high military gear, but we have made some boring places more interesting!

Custom weapon's:All ak107's,Almost all g36's,Ak74u with kobra and silencer !, M8 assault rifle's (+Some more cant remeber)

Add ammo to heli

No Combat-logg

Friendly Staff

Self bloodbag [its only currently testing it out how its working if its good we will have or else we will remove this]

Register at our Website and get better spawn loot! http://dayzworld.zapto.org/

Custom Vehicle spawns

If you think this sounds great please try our server out ! :)

If anyone is interested here is the server stats:

CPU: I7 2700k 3,5GHz

Motherbord: MSI P67A-GD65

Ram: 8GB 1600MHz

GPU: 6950

PSU: 600W

HDD: 500gb

OS: Windows

Spawning Gear PS: This spawn gear is only for people registered on the forum. Other people spawn with makarov!


Woppah is out ! :)


Edited by woppah

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