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Looking for a group/partner to play with.

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I'll be willing to play any map on dayz.im 18 and i have a mic,ill i ask is that you are atleast mature and have a mic.Add me on skype elliot.corner,also ive just got a gtx 660 so should be awesome :D

I want to play properly,so no duping or glitching.

We will kill other survivors but only if we see them as a threat,no killing new spawns(unless they run at you with an axe :L)

Im from the uk,preferably i want a group within europe due to high pings,so it wont be very good for the group;however if you in the us and have good internet or somthing its fine.

Edited by Luckydice750

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Clan Info:

Bloodline Is a new clan that owns Its own server and teamspeak. At the moment we are looking to recruit new members to our group.

Honor, Loyalty, Respect that's our clan motto. We shoot on sight.

TeamSpeak Server: talonite.typefrag.com:4105

Server: US 1978 (v1.7.6.1/Beta 102591)

Ip for Server: 3017

We will be playing on a vanilla server none that 200+ vehicles



mature attitude



Must speak fluent english

must be active (If your not so active or you play certain days let us know)


No Clan Killing

No stealing

No drama (If there is a problem between you and any other member Inform the Clan leaders)

If there are any questions feel free to msg me on the forums or on steam. Steam name: Zylon180

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Clan Info:

Bloodline Is a new clan that owns Its own server and teamspeak. At the moment we are looking to recruit new members to our group.

Honor, Loyalty, Respect that's our clan motto.

Dumb motto considering...

We shoot on sight.
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If you're looking for a mature laid back group check out DeathZeroGaming. No need to fill out an application just PM me if you're interested. No tryouts or anything. We play on our own server US 1752, have a few bases and some vehicles. Let me know if you're interested.

Edited by JDM

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