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Syth1c (DayZ)

Buying a server, suggestions?

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I am about to buy from .st, although do they offer customizatio? buildings? loading screen? etc.

I also want to ad AI, debug etc.

Edited by Syth1c

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If you want to customize your server the most you can. I suggest Vert Hosting. Gives you access to a ton of the files needed to customize.

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I have .st and they do allow customization. I've added several buildings and many custom scripts like ropes deploying from helicopters. They also have great customer support. Most customization like buildings and such are added through the mission and the database.

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Hey if your looking for a good server to play on you can join ours we just started it a few days ago and are trying to get a good player base going. We are open to suggestions for the server we have a 100 man mumble server. You can bring your friends to. We are mostly friendly. LIke i said we are just trying to get a good player base :) So your more then welcome to join, and if you have any knowlege about server hosting and stuff you can chat with my boyfriend... :) And dayz.st is a good server hosting site that is who we have our server thru and my bf has done tons of editing to the map and would also like to add in AI's

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