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DayZ Chernarus Server with Starting Gear/Weapons and Compas! Active Admins! Anti Hack! 200+ Vehicles!

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New server with active admins and starting loadout. Custom loadouts available. 3d person enabled, no nametags/nameplates, starting compass, weapon and sidearm. Currently side-chat enabled and 24/7 daylight. 200+ vehicles and helicopters/biplanes enabled. Revamped Northeast Airfield, and other custom building locations as well.

Visit our facebook page at http://www.facebook....dPoundersGaming

Connect via dayz commander or in arma2 by searching for GroundPoundersGaming or connect via IP.

Server IP/port

There is a bug with the server host that shows the server as a "version mismatch" in dayzcommander, and it's greyed out. Ignore this, as the server is perfectly fine and joinable. You may need to uncheck "hide wrong arma2 version" in DayZCommander to find the server until this is corrected.

Edited by Trocan

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