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Invisible Heli's and planes (to me anyway)

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So, last week I started playing on a private hive server that has 200 cars and over 25 different heli's and planes. Well, some weird stuff is happening and I think I finally figured it out. About 5 times I ran into players who were just standing still or sitting in the middle of a field, in the seated position. The first guy, I shot with a DMR from a distance, kill message came up, and his body vanished. Seconds later in the chat the guy claims a hacker killed him. The last 2 times I encountered this, the players were standing, but same thing. I think I figured out what is happening though, and would like to fix it.

I was up at the NWAF, and in the side chat someone reeled off what heli's planes and cars were spawned on the runway as they flew over. they said the blackhawk was there, (or seahawk whatever) so I ran out to check it out since I have never seen one in Dayz before and it was nowhere to be seen. Then I realized some of the other stuff they called out wasnt there either. A little while later, there were 2 dudes standing in the middle of the airstrip not moving just like before. Then I realized, I can not see certain vehicles/planes, and when people get in them, their player model stays standing where they last were before they got in the vehicles I cant see. It has to be what is happening. This also explains why I was getting shot at running across a field with what seemed to be a machine gun, (many shots at the same time) but heard no gunfire, just the bullets whizzing by, and no one was anywhere near me. They must have been shooting at me from a chopper I cant see or hear.

Any clue as to why some things are invisible to me, and any clue what I would need to do to attempt to fix this? Getting shot at by invisible choppers is no fun.

My Arma and dayz files are updated to current.

Any help or insight is appreciated.

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Would this be an rMod server? Basically they can see unbanned vehicles and you can't. When we unbanned a tank and jet to test on our server we all had to download the edited pbo file (dayz_code or something) and other people that didn't just saw people sitting in mid air though they could die from the invisible vehicles (which was fun :D).

Edited by Timboski

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Yea sounds like your files are missing something. OOORR That is some serious game breaking lag you got there buddy. Most Likely the files issue.

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I also think rMod is involved, when i ran an rMod server players without rMod can still join but won't see the unbanned vehicles.

If you are sitting in an unbanned vehicle you will see the player but not the vehicle.

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I'm not sure if it is an rMod server, I dont think so, I will have to check. Also, one other thing I forgot to mention, I shot a guy who was crouch running at me holding an invisible gun. I'm assuming that I am also missing the file for whatever gun he is carrying. I do know on this server they have the Mk17 sniper, and some sort of scar variant which most of the clan guys have.

I will have to play around with adding the pbo? files I guess to the proper folder, maybe I can fix the issue, it has to be me missing the model files for everything that is invisible. It's amazing that I can even play on a server if I am missing files. Gotta love how secure the arma2 servers are. ;-)

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Again the invisible gun points to it being an rMod server :)

Download rMod and join the server again, You will see everything properly then.

Rmod can be downloaded here http://offgaming.us/rmod/download

Remember to launch with -mod=@rmod2

It's amazing that I can even play on a server if I am missing files. Gotta love how secure the arma2 servers are. ;-)

Nothing to do with security :P It's an addon ran server side, up to you if you use it or not, that is how ArmA is designed to run :)

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OK thanks, I will give that a shot. Checking the servers page, it doesnt mention anywhere about being an rMod, but I guess that doesnt mean anything. Thank you for your help!

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