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FPS Problems: The Same Old Story

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Last year when I only had my Laptop, I had the exact same problem. Now that I have a brand new Desktop, I'd expected these problems to go. But no.

The only difference is that on my Desktop, it doesn't matter whether I play on max or minimum. It pretty much stays the same.

My specs:

GTX 660 (non Ti)

i5 3570k CPU 3.40GHz (Quad core)

8GB o' Ram

7200rpm Barracuda Hardrive

This is what I've tried so far:

Ingame settings tweaked.

.ini files tweaked.

Start-up parameters.

Depending on the server and location, I get around 20-30 or so FPS. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated. :)

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Do you get those fps no matter where you are on the map?

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Pretty much. It does go slightly higher if I'm in the middle of nowhere, and drops a little when I enter a city, but it stays around the same.

Edited by CanoGuy

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Different settings in nvidia control panel or CCC can have a huge impact on the performance in ArmA. There's a lot of guides touching that subject, try googling that. Try disabling v-sync.

You should also check, when you're playing dayz or arma, how much your cpu and gpu is working. Again there's a lot of guides touching that. This is what i think you should start with. Good luck

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Thanks, I'll have a look and see how much it helps :)

Edited by CanoGuy

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Do so. Also, as you might be aware of, ArmA is using a lot of CPU power. DayZ uses even more. Try going into the editor in arma and move around where you have experienced fps drops. Then add some NPCs of opposite teams next to each other and feel the difference. That way you can also determine if there's a problem with your settings somewhere or the usual lag that pretty much everyone have felt

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Ok thanks for the help. ArmA 2 generally runs fine for me. The largest fps drop I've experienced in it was either due to rediculous mods (nukes) or the scenario in which you take back Elektro. In that scenario, 3 armies are duking it out, yet my FPS very rarely dipped below 30. In ArmA 3, I can run at max at around 45 fps until I join a server or add a ton of AI, so I imagine this is a CPU problem. I'm playing with the NVIDA control panel now and later I'll see how much memory is being allocated ect. Again, thanks ;)

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Not sure if this helps but I read a lot of the FPS issue posts. Most issues (if not all) seem to come from people with Nvidia cards.

There is the possibility that these cards do not like ARMA/DayZ?

I run 40-60FPS on an i5 2500K, with a radeon HD 6850, which is a worse card.

Edited by taco241
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Can I ask for a screenshot of your in-game settings and resolution?

My rig is far worse than yours but I run 40-60 FPS with a Radeon 6570. I ran so many tests in DayZ and Arma that it wasn't fun anymore but now my framerate is smooth, it drops a little bit in Chernogorsk but I barely notice it.

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Using the NVIDIA Control Panel definitely helped. I'm going to keep persevering and see if I can push it to smooth gameplay now - still abit jumpy. I'll look into the allocated CPU now.

EDIT: BadLuckBurt, my in-game settings aren't an issue. I've tried every combination and it barely makes a difference. ;)

Edited by CanoGuy

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I disagree.

I can go from 15 to 115 FPS depending on how I configure the in-game Video options and I'm sure you can too.

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BadLuckBurt: Thanks man ;)

Terminal Boy: It's very much dependant on your system. If, for example I were to decrease my anti-aliasing (which I have), then that would (and has) give me an extra 6 fps or so. If I increase my texture quality, then I get an extra 1-2 fps, where as if I decrease my object detail, I get an extra 2-3. Some options don't even cause any change in FPS. In total, it's not very substantial, and I've already optimized it as far as it will go, but I appreciate the concern :)

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Been away for a couple of days, how did it go? A complete summary would be interesting to read.

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