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Chronx (DayZ)

=[S][A]= recruiting! Mature members {Multigaming Community!}

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Are you looking for a group of mature gamers to play DayZ with or even some other games? Silent-Asaliants is a growing clan looking to expand and we are looking for some new DayZ players! We dont ask alot from you and dont expect you to be some super serious guy that calls us "sir" or Sergeant or whatever. We simply rely and tactics and teamwork to get the job done and collect our daily loot. For the most part we do shoot at other players if they pose a threat but sometimes we leave them alone and establish a friendship.

We do expect you to use teamwork in this clan, if we were on the battlefield and you had no clip for a gun I would sacrafice mine for you, we hope you do the same.

Looking for UK/Eu guys to fill in the nightshift. I expect anyone that apply's for that position to be active during his/her time and recruit, loot and defend our camp. -READ <-------

What to expect from us

Teamwork and tactics.

No cheaters.

Talkative and loveable gamers that enjoy DayZ


A great time

And more! (I am obviously advertising a commercial.)

What we expect from you

No hacking

The same respect we give you



wear our tag proudly.

General rules

No hacking

No bashing others

No trolling (unless were just messin' around.)

No mic spam

Use common sense.


Teamspeak 3

Working mic

Welcome people of all ages as long as you can be mature!

Whitelist on Balota Buddies (it's easy.)

active on Teamspeak

I hope you guys enjoyed the big wall of text in the middle of your screen, All in all just be a nice guy and we'll have a good time. Hope to see some applications flow in so we can hop in and get the party going!


http://silent-asalia...com/recruitment (RECRUIT PAGE.)

http://silent-asaliant.enjin.com/ (HOME PAGE)

http://balotabuddies.net/ (Link to get whitelisted, if you need help come into Teamspeak and we can get you sorted.)

TEAMSPEAK 3 IP: silent-asaliant.com

Edited by Chronx

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Bump, looking for someone to fill in our nightshift. Info above ^

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Bump, looking for more applicants! website may be down because we are changing the URL from silent-asaliant.enjin.com to silent-asaliant.net . It should also re-direct you if you click on the enjin link. If you are interested in joining and cannot access the website come into teamspeak and I will interview you there. Or alternativly you can post below.

Still need a leader for the night shift.

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DayZ Basic Lesson #1: Trust No-one. Humans Are More Dangerous Than Zombies.

use like in real life, when you see another human being, there is no way for you to tell on sight that this person has any of the following intentions:

Shooting you in the face

Shooting you in the back

Throwing a grenade

Throwing a flare at your position to draw every zombie in the vicinity

Pretending to be your friend in town and then going all Deliverance on you once you get into the woods.

The only people you can count on are yourself and someone you actually know in real life. Assume everyone you meet is dangerous. If you do not wish to murder other people, then RUN the other direction. Serpentine running for your life is perfectly acceptable and will help you stay alive.

This Doesn’t Appear To Be A Friendly

DayZ Basic Lesson #2: There Is Never Just ONE Zombie.

It can be hard to resist the urge to pop that lonely zombie in the head, especially in a town. It seems like an easy shot. You want that one extra notch on your gun, because you are the world’s best shooter and zombie hunter. You start humming ImDaBes and squeezing the trigger.

*BLAM*. The Human Dinner Bell has been rung! Zombies love loud sounds and that head popper just alerted every zombie in earshot. Every crawler, hopper and walker is now sprinting towards you, ready to knock you down and start dining on your flesh while you scream. If you survive, you are about to make a sizable dent into the ammo you just spent half a day scavenging for. You may get your bones broken by zombies or start to bleed out. Only fire when absolutely there is no other option. Gunfire attracts Zombies and alerts Humans to your presence. Revisit Basic Lesson #1.

There Is Never Just ONE Zombie

DayZ Basic Lesson #3: Towns Are Nice To Visit, But GTFO

Rural towns and the bigger metropolitan cities are full of supplies to scavenge. You can find backpacks, weapons, food, ammo and medical supplies if you are lucky. The unfortunate dilemma is that these are also havens for bandits, general douchebaggery and chocked full of zombies. Piss off a zombie and you are burning all your ammo in order to survive. You also just gave away your location for every bandit, douchebag and sniper in town. Stay low, stay out of the open, grab your gear and get out quickly. Grab blood packs if you can find them, some morphine too. You will need them; crawling for miles with a broken leg is not an easy way to survive.

Broken Legs Are No Joke

DayZ Basic Lesson #4: If You Have To Fire A Gun, Fire It From Inside A Building.

There will come a time when you have to fire your gun. If you attract a zombie, you will have to kill it. If you try to run, zombies can run forever without getting tired. They can climb a ladder to get to you. Close a door on them and they will open the door.

Find a building you can enter and use the entrance as a choke point. This helps slow down the horde of zombies rushing through the doorway and allows you to save ammo with focused headshots. The sound of gunfire from inside a house is slightly muffled and will not be as noticeable as firing out in the open.

When you have finished, make sure you are not bleeding nor need further medical attention. Check their bodies for anything useful and then exercise Basic Lesson #3. GTFO of town.

DayZ: Hard Lessons Learned While Surviving a Zombie Apocalypse

I will admit it; I’ve been playing so much DayZ lately that it has seeped into my real life. I find myself thinking about the direction of the sun and pondering what size of backpack I would need to survive a zombie apocalypse in Seattle. Could I just live on Beans and Coca-Cola? Would I really shoot and kill another human just to ‘look’ through their backpack? Could I survive by just raiding the endless supply of Starbuck stores in Seattle?

DayZ is the kind of game I have been waiting for; a cross between a military shooter and the large open world found in some MMOs, flavored with the aroma of the Walking Dead and The Road. There are no quests. There are no objectives other than to stay alive as long as possible. When you die, that is all she wrote. There are no clerics with magical resurrection scrolls or hearths you can suddenly return to. You must scavenge to survive and get ahead. Zombies can kill you. Players can kill you. The environment can kill you. Death is always around the corner, it is just a matter of how long you can dodge the Reaper’s Scythe.

Around Every Corner, There Lurks Death.

I tried to create this experience for myself in other games. In Dungeons and Dragons Online I would create Perma-death characters, rerolling when I died in a dungeon. In Fallout New Vegas, I tried to make it through that world by shooting every quest giver I could find before they talked to me. After shooting my way across the entire desert, I was still I was forced to follow a storyline to some degree in the end.

One thing that I have realized is that most of my gaming habits are in direct contrast to survival in DayZ. This isn’t Left 4 Dead or Battlefield 3. In many ways the game forces me to explore human morality and what lengths people will go to in order to survive. Other shooters I am notorious for running forward into a hail of bullets and playing aggressively. In Dayz, running in with guns blazing only rewards you with a very short life.

As part of my exploration on DayZ, I would like to start with a few introductory tips to help those interested in trying out this game. Articles to follow will go more in depth on my experiences, but these basic lessons may help you survive longer than half an hour (and maybe a real life Bath Salts induced Zombie Apocalypse).

DayZ Basic Lesson #1: Trust No-one. Humans Are More Dangerous Than Zombies.

Just like in real life, when you see another human being, there is no way for you to tell on sight that this person has any of the following intentions:

Shooting you in the face

Shooting you in the back

Throwing a grenade

Throwing a flare at your position to draw every zombie in the vicinity

Pretending to be your friend in town and then going all Deliverance on you once you get into the woods.

The only people you can count on are yourself and someone you actually know in real life. Assume everyone you meet is dangerous. If you do not wish to murder other people, then RUN the other direction. Serpentine running for your life is perfectly acceptable and will help you stay alive.

This Doesn’t Appear To Be A Friendly

DayZ Basic Lesson #2: There Is Never Just ONE Zombie.

It can be hard to resist the urge to pop that lonely zombie in the head, especially in a town. It seems like an easy shot. You want that one extra notch on your gun, because you are the world’s best shooter and zombie hunter. You start humming ImDaBes and squeezing the trigger.

*BLAM*. The Human Dinner Bell has been rung! Zombies love loud sounds and that head popper just alerted every zombie in earshot. Every crawler, hopper and walker is now sprinting towards you, ready to knock you down and start dining on your flesh while you scream. If you survive, you are about to make a sizable dent into the ammo you just spent half a day scavenging for. You may get your bones broken by zombies or start to bleed out. Only fire when absolutely there is no other option. Gunfire attracts Zombies and alerts Humans to your presence. Revisit Basic Lesson #1.

There Is Never Just ONE Zombie

DayZ Basic Lesson #3: Towns Are Nice To Visit, But GTFO

Rural towns and the bigger metropolitan cities are full of supplies to scavenge. You can find backpacks, weapons, food, ammo and medical supplies if you are lucky. The unfortunate dilemma is that these are also havens for bandits, general douchebaggery and chocked full of zombies. Piss off a zombie and you are burning all your ammo in order to survive. You also just gave away your location for every bandit, douchebag and sniper in town. Stay low, stay out of the open, grab your gear and get out quickly. Grab blood packs if you can find them, some morphine too. You will need them; crawling for miles with a broken leg is not an easy way to survive.

Broken Legs Are No Joke

DayZ Basic Lesson #4: If You Have To Fire A Gun, Fire It From Inside A Building.

There will come a time when you have to fire your gun. If you attract a zombie, you will have to kill it. If you try to run, zombies can run forever without getting tired. They can climb a ladder to get to you. Close a door on them and they will open the door.

Find a building you can enter and use the entrance as a choke point. This helps slow down the horde of zombies rushing through the doorway and allows you to save ammo with focused headshots. The sound of gunfire from inside a house is slightly muffled and will not be as noticeable as firing out in the open.

When you have finished, make sure you are not bleeding nor need further medical attention. Check their bodies for anything useful and then exercise Basic Lesson #3. GTFO of town.

DayZ: Hard Lessons Learned While Surviving a Zombie Apocalypse

I will admit it; I’ve been playing so much DayZ lately that it has seeped into my real life. I find myself thinking about the direction of the sun and pondering what size of backpack I would need to survive a zombie apocalypse in Seattle. Could I just live on Beans and Coca-Cola? Would I really shoot and kill another human just to ‘lookyloo’ through their backpack? Could I survive by just raiding the endless supply of Starbuck stores in Seattle?

DayZ is the kind of game I have been waiting for; a cross between a military shooter and the large open world found in some MMOs, flavored with the aroma of the Walking Dead and The Road. There are no quests. There are no objectives other than to stay alive as long as possible. When you die, that is all she wrote. There are no clerics with magical resurrection scrolls or hearths you can suddenly return to. You must scavenge to survive and get ahead. Zombies can kill you. Players can kill you. The environment can kill you. Death is always around the corner, it is just a matter of how long you can dodge the Reaper’s Scythe.

Around Every Corner, There Lurks Death.

I tried to create this experience for myself in other games. In Dungeons and Dragons Online I would create Perma-death characters, rerolling when I died in a dungeon. In Fallout New Vegas, I tried to make it through that world by shooting every quest giver I could find before they talked to me. After shooting my way across the entire desert, I was still I was forced to follow a storyline to some degree in the end.

One thing that I have realized is that most of my gaming habits are in direct contrast to survival in DayZ. This isn’t Left 4 Dead or Battlefield 3. In many ways the game forces me to explore human morality and what lengths people will go to in order to survive. Other shooters I am notorious for running forward into a hail of bullets and playing aggressively. In Dayz, running in with guns blazing only rewards you with a very short life.

As part of my exploration on DayZ, I would like to start with a few introductory tips to help those interested in trying out this game. Articles to follow will go more in depth on my experiences, but these basic lessons may help you survive longer than half an hour (and maybe a real life Bath Salts induced Zombie Apocalypse).

DayZ Basic Lesson #1: Trust No-one. Humans Are More Dangerous Than Zombies.

Just like in real life, when you see another human being, there is no way for you to tell on sight that this person has any of the following intentions:

Shooting you in the face

Shooting you in the back

Throwing a grenade

Throwing a flare at your position to draw every zombie in the vicinity

Pretending to be your friend in town and then going all Deliverance on you once you get into the woods.

The only people you can count on are yourself and someone you actually know in real life. Assume everyone you meet is dangerous. If you do not wish to murder other people, then RUN the other direction. Serpentine running for your life is perfectly acceptable and will help you stay alive.

This Doesn’t Appear To Be A Friendly

DayZ Basic Lesson #2: There Is Never Just ONE Zombie.

It can be hard to resist the urge to pop that lonely zombie in the head, especially in a town. It seems like an easy shot. You want that one extra notch on your gun, because you are the world’s best shooter and zombie hunter. You start humming ImDaBes and squeezing the trigger.

*BLAM*. The Human Dinner Bell has been rung! Zombies love loud sounds and that head popper just alerted every zombie in earshot. Every crawler, hopper and walker is now sprinting towards you, ready to knock you down and start dining on your flesh while you scream. If you survive, you are about to make a sizable dent into the ammo you just spent half a day scavenging for. You may get your bones broken by zombies or start to bleed out. Only fire when absolutely there is no other option. Gunfire attracts Zombies and alerts Humans to your presence. Revisit Basic Lesson #1.

There Is Never Just ONE Zombie

DayZ Basic Lesson #3: Towns Are Nice To Visit, But GTFO

Rural towns and the bigger metropolitan cities are full of supplies to scavenge. You can find backpacks, weapons, food, ammo and medical supplies if you are lucky. The unfortunate dilemma is that these are also havens for bandits, general douchebaggery and chocked full of zombies. Piss off a zombie and you are burning all your ammo in order to survive. You also just gave away your location for every bandit, douchebag and sniper in town. Stay low, stay out of the open, grab your gear and get out quickly. Grab blood packs if you can find them, some morphine too. You will need them; crawling for miles with a broken leg is not an easy way to survive.

Broken Legs Are No Joke

DayZ Basic Lesson #4: If You Have To Fire A Gun, Fire It From Inside A Building.

There will come a time when you have to fire your gun. If you attract a zombie, you will have to kill it. If you try to run, zombies can run forever without getting tired. They can climb a ladder to get to you. Close a door on them and they will open the door.

Find a building you can enter and use the entrance as a choke point. This helps slow down the horde of zombies rushing through the doorway and allows you to save ammo with focused headshots. The sound of gunfire from inside a house is slightly muffled and will not be as noticeable as firing out in the open.

When you have finished, make sure you are not bleeding nor need further medical attention. Check their bodies for anything useful and then exercise Basic Lesson #3. GTFO of town.

Use Doorways As Choke Points

Stay tuned for more team based adventures in Dayz with my

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Nice guys, keep the applications coming! I ask you guys to please post on the forums to!

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Getting a nice batch of recruits! have about 9-10 active members now, lets keep rollin'

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It's taken fifteen minutes of belly crawing but I'm near the barn.

I haven't been spotted yet. A couple moments to gather my wits ,and... hey wha za mang! I'm in trouble though for real! FUCKIN' ZOMBIES MAN

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