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TG ! Jimmy

US 3480 Has Moved IP's

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Probably should have made note of this sooner, but US 3480 has move from it's former IP address to a new one. You can find the info in my sig, but for the sake of using some delicious colours in my post I will scribble it on here as well.

Description: US 3480 Vanilla DayZ (as in: 50 slots of official hive, no b.s., no mods, just DayZ's plain old self)

New IP:

New port: 2352

Thank you for playing with us, we appreciate all of your traffic--and enjoy having people to share our beans with.


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an open letter to the admins of US 3480:


not sure if you realize, but every time you shut down the server, it rolls people back a TON, gear, location, everything. even when you log off before the restart, it'll roll back my gear. what the hell? if you could shed some light on this horrible issue that'd be nice

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