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Fps question

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So I just bought Arma:CO for the purpose of playing DayZ, unfortunately upon trying to play I quickly realized that my pc may not be able to handle it, even on lower settings. This came as a bit of a surprise to me because I thought I had a fairly decent rig. The only thing I can see in my setup that may be lacking is the gfx card, although I have been able to run many other games on normal to high settings(skyrim, diablo 3, ME3, DA2, etc... )

Here's what I have:

Vista Home premium

Amd phenom II x4 3.2 ghz quadcore processor

4 gb DDR3 memory

Sapphire radeon hd 6570 1gb DDR3 pci express 2.1

And I don't have the hdd specs on hand but I'm fairly certain it's 7200 rpm.

I guess my question is if I upgrade my video card to maybe something in the hd 7500 series should i be able to run it on normal settings? Or should I be able to now, and I'm just missing something in the settings or cfg somewhere.?

Thanks in advance for any help offered!

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I got almost the same gear and I play at 45-50 fps all the time, while recording it's around 30.

Don't waste money on a new GPU just for Arma 2.

Arma 2 doesn't use that much GPU-Power, it's just has a bad performance overall, even on high-end machines, esp. it's not that good with multicore-CPU's.

Try some little tweaks like these:

use additional start-parameters! these make some FPS for me: -noworld -nosplash -cpucount=4

Set your video-memory ingame on "default", not "very high" and do not set everything on "low". Try medium/high quality settings with FAA and Anti-Aliasing off/very low instead.

There is also a line in arma2oa.cfg that gives you some boost, but I forgot which one. :P

€: Might take a look at this thread, looks quite well written: http://dayzmod.com/f...h-out-the-game/

€€: IT IS very well written esp. the Vram idea is really nice and sooo obvious! Remembers me on my DOS-Game-Times, where you also loaded games into high memory to increase performance! :)

Edited by Flaschenkind
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make sure most of your video settings are at high so that the game used your GPU more than CPU and also try not using vista

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