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tpbdayzserver - private hive

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What Happend? : I joined the tpbdayzserver because it was quite populated and the only decent one i could find, after i spawned and headed east of komarovo i heard a vehicle moving towards me i lay down to try and see it and not get noticed obviously, when i actually saw the vehicle it was a BMP-3 (Don't think these are available unless the server is edited, which i don't think this server was) at first i thought it must've been a bambi that found a hacked vehicle and must of stole it, i then kept running until i was just outside of balota but i heard 4-5 explosions and someone died from said explosions, it came up with *nameofplayer* (didnt catch his name) was killed by fenris and i thought wait wtf? fenris was the guy i saw in the BMP hmmm this looks abit sketchy, after looting balota i headed towards cherno where i heard bullets being sprayed all over the place, i hid behind a tree when i saw the two players... i saw their name tags yet again Fenris... and some other player valdo i then saw one another shoot atleast 2 rounds into eachothers face without dieing and typed in side chat ''fenris & valdo are hacking, just saw them spray 2 mags into eachothers face without dieing..." i saw 1 of them dissapear and looked behind me to see if they teleported, and of course they did :/ valdo teleported behind me and i started having abit of a talk with him (he didnt reply though) then fenris his buddy teleported after, and then spawned jets 5-6 of them above me i was able to run away from them before they landed and blew up but then i was shot by valdo and was able to get screenshots of them before aborting

Time? : 14:17 GMT

Evidence : Sorry that the screenshots arn't through steam cloud, it keeps saying unavailable for some reason :/



Sorry if there is not enough evidence... it just happend to fast for me to record it

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too bad you didnt catch a GUID though.... Names don't mean much :(

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