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New Clan New Server

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Players requirements:

Experience in the game,

Will need to be over the age of 16 ,

Be serious in what is needed to be done,

Will need to be loyal to the squad,

Members will need Team Speak.


Do not attack your own clan/Teammates,

Never exploit or use hacks of any kind,

Always listen to leaders and respect all members at all times,

If any rules are broken you will be dealt with severely.

The main idea is to have fun while playing and make friends in the process.

Please fill in this application form and I will try to respond within 24 hours;



TeamSpeak Name:


Why do you want to join?:

Experience in game 1-10:



In game Name:

How long have you ben playing dayZ mod and or arma?

How often do you play a week?

Any questions about the clan?

Server info:US 1984(v1.7.6.1/Beta 102591)

Teamspeak info: talonite.typefrag.com: 4105

Edited by Zippyone

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Name: Dakota

Age: 18

TeamSpeak Name: don't have one but willing to get one

Mic?: yes

Why do you want to Join: I'm also looking for a clan/group to have fun playing with

Experience: about 4-5

Timezone: Central Time

Bio: I'm just an all around friendly guy just looking to meet and play with people on DayZ

How Long; 2 Days but i got my feel for it already

How Often do i Play: so far about 3-5 hours a day

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