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ATV flips going over bridges...PLEASE FIX THIS FOR GOD SAKE!

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I'm sure you've heard this one a million times well heres a million and one. Spent a few hours getting parts for ATV. Had it all geared and was on my way when I went over a bridge heading out of Cherno. It flipped, started on fire and blow up. All gear I had stored on it and hard work down the f'n drain in a matter of seconds. I love this game but if your gonna keep DayZ mod avalible to the public at least please fix some of these issues. I don't wanna hear crap about it being Alpha, that only means you need to complain and they need to fix things. Alpha doesn't mean you should continue to play a broken game.

Thank you for your time...I feel much better now.

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I won't say it's an alpha but I will say it's just a mod that operates within the constraints of Arma 2. As a mod it will always be buggy because the base game (Arma 2) is buggy.

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