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Just A "Small" Introduction, Ramblings

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TL;DR Version, Thanks for this mod, I don't own it yet, want to know what the community is like, then some rambling. kthxbai.

I just wanted to create a small introduction, with a few small questions and such. Okay, first off all, like many noobies I discovered this game through some Youtube vids, and friends of mine talking about it.

You may be wondering what the hell I am posting this for, so here it is. I want to see what the community is like, how some of you play, some tips for an "almost noob".

I have always been real big into realistic, hardcore, survival, type games and zombie culture, and have been waiting for a long time to find a game that is all of this. To go off topic for a second, I want to say that I do not actually OWN the game or the mod at the time of this post. My computer has been freezing on everything I try to play (By the way don't worry about trying to come up with fixes for it, I'm getting it fixed within the week), so I have almost literally been doing nothing but watching more gameplay, tutorials, and tips on this mod.

I actually have played ArmA 2 from Steam when it went free, but for me the graphics were just too bad, the controls too terrible, and the game just did not appeal to me at all, even though I like hardcore, realistic games. I do know that the free version has lower quality textures however, so when I do inevitability get ArmA 2 and the expansion and finally the mod, I will be not be a total noob.

I don't plan on just stalking these forums until I am able to purchase the game, so expect to see a lot more of me, as I like to be active on the games I play.

Also, many games and mods these days are getting insanely popular without even using advertising. With the accessibility of the internet, anyone can hear or find out about anything, and these days the quickest way to get something popular is to have people talking about it, which only happens if that thing has a strong player/user/fan base, which this mod really does have.

Much like Minecraft, while still being an entirely different game, has achieved enormous success while it was still in Beta, and with the amount of popularity this MOD is getting in ALPHA, I think that its safe to say that this mod is going places. Thank you Rocket and the entire DayZ team for creating something that every true zombie and survival fan has ever wanted, but never got thanks to big companies that only want money.


(P.S Sorry this kinda turned into a huge blog)

(P.P.S If you wish, you may friend me on Steam, I am almost always on and don't mind talking to random people about whatever. So yeh.)

TL;DR Version, Thanks for this mod, I don't own it yet, want to know what the community is like, then some rambling. kthxbai.

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