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CA #1 -California- DayZNamalsk (0.74,102591)REGULAR NP:OFF-GMT+9*[200 Vehicles] [Whitelist] [Heli Crashes, Care Packages, Custom Loadouts]

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Hello, I would like to invite you all to this marvelous DayZ server that has both great admins and a dedicated playerbase. Before we dive into great detail let me tell you some of the fun facts about this server that seperates it from the others.

  • The server is balanced between Bandits & Friendlies
  • Tons of vehicles to find, repair, and ride around with your friends in
  • Active players that are dedicated to having a good time on the server
  • Active admins that are determined to making your gameplay experience better
  • Whitelist and Anti-hack programs to prevent hackers
  • Custom loadouts for donaters - Loadouts are not yet implemented into our Namalsk server.


Alright, now that we've got through some fun facts about the server it's time for the description. First I will post the info required for joining the server.

Server name: CA #1


Loc= California, Diff= Regular, Map=Namalsk, Slots=50, TZ=ON, 3DP=ON, CH=ON, NP=OFF, DM=ON, SC=ON - Talking on side chat is not allowed(We have a teamspeak server for that), PW=NO, WL=YES

Contact: To be added to the whitelist please send an email to this person with your reason for wanting to join the server and your GUID if you know it. (To get your GUID in-game type: #beclient GUID) If you do not please attempt to join the server after sending the e-mail, it may take a few minutes to process you but if you are kicked the first time that means it gave the admin your GUID. Be sure to provide the in-game name you will be using as well.

E-mail: [email protected]

The info above spells out the description of the server, the rest is pretty much explained as you play in our server. We do provide Teamspeak as well for the people who would like to talk with their friends, or create group channels to have privacy for tactics and such. The Teamspeak server is always in need of new players to join it and try to make it as active as possible, even if it's just to have a place for your friends to talk. Be sure to e-mail the admin before you attempt to join.

Gaming Essentials

  1. Teamspeak IP: Server Address:
  2. Facebook Page: https://www.facebook...153414808142127
  3. Twitter: https://twitter.com/DayzCa1
  4. Website: http://www.dayzca1.com/


That's all the information you need to know to join our server. Now the rest is up to you, we hope to see you in our server. And if you have any questions be sure to join us in the Teamspeak server and we'll get you set up! Be sure to check out our website as well and help us fill it with content! We hope you enjoy our server.

Edited by Miztu

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Bump! Be sure to check out our website and hop onto our active Teamspeak!

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Not good enough to find a car on your own?

Not good enough to find a gun on your own?

Not good enough to survive with cheating through third-party programs like TeamSpeak or Skype?

In general, just really, really bad at DayZ? So bad you shouldn't be playing it in the first place?

Join this server today!

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Don't bump yourself, asshole.

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Don't bump yourself, asshole.

Thank you so much for your wonderful opinion about our server. It is greatly appreciated ^.^, and I know that anyone who has you playing on their server would be lucky to have you. And don't let anyone else tell you otherwise, also I took a look at your profile and I completely agree with you. It is rare to find someone who is not a complete ***hole in dayz, And because you have stated such wonderful facts, and feel that you and I are close enough that you are comfortable with using the foulest language possible.. Well that just makes me feel all fuzzy inside. Not only that but your beautiful "My Little Pony" picture really describes your amazing personality and character. I've never judged a book by its cover and I'm certainly not going to start now, keep doing what you're doing my wonderful friend.. You're going places.

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